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amelias pov:

i woke up pretty early today, 7:03am... so i layed in bed, scrolling through tiktok, until i got a text from nick.

nickk <3


nickk <3:
heyy! do u wanna come over today?

yeah sure! what time?

nickk <3:
like 11? we're filming a car video too
u should be in it!

yeah 11 is perfect! i can totally be in the video!

nickk <3:
yayy omg! do u need matt to pick u up?

yes please... 
can u come too so i dont have to be alone with him🙄

nickk <3:
i cantt i have to get some stuff ready for the videooo sorry!
and maybe its a good time to start being friends with matt...
or maybe more😏

ew. no. and its alr lol- see u then! x
*nickk <3 liked your message* 

i started getting ready to go to nicks house. i had an hour and a bit so i wasn't in any rush. i had a long, warm shower and started choosing an outfit. white cargo's, a red t shirt and air forces. perfect! i lovee the colour red, i also think i look pretty good in it so i always wear it. i straightened my hair and just left it down. woah, i look really good today? anyways. it was 10:44 and i was eating my breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. my favorite.

"when is matt picking you up?" my mom asked while washing some dishes.

"he would probably be on his way now" i said in a whining tone

"just be nice and at least TRY to be friends? how bout that amelia." mom said with an almost begging tone?

"fine. ill try to be nice and try to be friends... but if he gives me ANY attitude. im done" i said with a stern voice

"thats my girl" mom says as i see matt pull up into my driveway

"oh, matts here, bye mom. love you!"

"love you too sweetie. and remember, be nice!" she says while im walking to the door

"yess mommm!" i say while walking to the front door

i grab my stuff and head to the car. "hey matt" i say trying my best to be polite "hey" he says not even looking up from his phone... i get in chuck my bag on the backseat as matt starts driving. awkward silence fills the car. so i break it with-

"sooo whats happening today" nice one...

"i dont know" he says with zero expression, keeping his eyes on the road

"okayy... well nick said your filming a car video. he said i can join to" i say trying to start a conversation

"oh yeah cool" matt says obviously not thinking its cool...

&quot;i hate you more&quot; ║ 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎Where stories live. Discover now