Something New

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2 days later

Ever since that night Ray and star have been fucking back to back. Not a day goes by that they dont. Star has gotten used to his old self harm scars and gunshot scars. She actually is starting to become hyper sexual. She feels bad that she reacted that way about them when she first seen it, but ray forgives her.

Babydoll is afraid of prince. She doesn't even want to sleep in the same room as him any more. She has a big bruise on her face from his punch.

Bahja went back with chres

Babydoll slowly walked into the house and was happy to see prince wasnt there. She walked upstairs to get inside her comfy bed when hand went over her mouth and pulled her into a corner. She slapped the person and tried to run, but they just pulled her back. She turned and seen it was prince. She sensed worry and stayed quiet.

"We can wait here all day" a voice spoke

"How did you know I was there in the first place?" Bahja asked then started rocking Bryan in her arms

"Why didn't you just keep it real with me. If you and him were fucking why you didn't just say that? Like damn.. I thought you were a virgin but nah. I love you bahja. I never stopped loving you" chres spoke

" Im sorry chres. I did want to lose my virginity to you but... It just happen and I let it. "

" We're going back home. That hotel was dirty anyways.I can't stand to see you with him any longer. He fucking killed my homie" chres spoke as he sped down the street

" Who is your homie?" Bahja asked

" prodigy and- "

" watch out!" bahja yelled..

Chres swerved, so he wouldn't hit the person standing still in the street. He crashed into a tree.

" Oh shit .." Chres whispered then jumped out of the car

Bahja was so shocked since it all happened so fast. She wanted to cry at the fact she might be stuck there or the fact that she just got into a car accident and witnessed someone almost get killed.

Chres ran to yell at the idiot and he seen that they were standing still in the road still.

" I couldve ran your ass over. Get out of the road goofy why are you still standing there." Chres yelled as he walked up closer. He looked them in the face and it was a darkskin girl with her hair messy and nappy. It looked like she never slept a day in her life. The weird thing about her is she looked familiar to chres, but he couldn't put his finger on who she reminded him of. He looked her in the eyes and semi screamed. She were looking upwards and eyes were close as she faced the clouds above her.

" Hello?" Chres mumbled, pushing her lightly

She turned to him and her eyes went back to normal. Other cars were coming infront of them and started honking. Chres pulled her out of the road.

" wait ... desiree? I watched you die. How are you here?" chres asked

"I never died" she replied

" Round 4?" Ray asked

" I need a break. My fucking pussy gone fall off if we go again" star spoke

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