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I remember those days when my heart was made of glass

A simple glimpse of you could break me into million pieces

They say those pieces get back together once it heals

And I used not to believe it because I felt hopeless at the time

How can I be myself after this whole mess that you made me?

I asked this to myself while the leaves of summer were dying

Summertime sadness was just a title of my summer season

Naïve me wanted to put my arms around you before this

It is not a lie that a kiss cannot cure everything

But goddamn, my heart was begging for one of those

But goddamn, my heart did not want to say goodbye

What a beautiful and tragic mistake I did

But lying to myself after this whole time

Was the curse that followed me until winter

I knew my heart was broken, but pretending it wasn't just to keep you

It took me forever to heal my supposedly unbreakable heart

How does it feel to have a broken heart?Where stories live. Discover now