the start (chapter one)

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THIS WAY! a voice called

DONT LET IT GET AWAY! Another one shouted,

Five slimepups, two purple, one, yellow, it's translucent fur glowing, another one, it's color was a bright color of green, and the last, a cyan slimepup it's fur glowing in a similar way to the yellow,

A slimehound followed close behind it's fur was a hot-pink shade,

I'll distract them! It suddently turned around blocking the humans,

Two stopped dead in their tracks, but the third simply ran past it and kept chasing the 5,

THEIR GETTING AWAY! a voice screamed

The slimehound whispered seeing the human run off,

Lucky!! this way!!
The diamond screamed at the gold as it ducked under a table,

The gold, dashed for the table, squeezing in besides the diamond,

What about us!? One of the purple slimepups whined,

They won't hurt you, they only want us, the gold reassured just stay away,

The gold suddently jumped as the human chasing them slammed it's bat on the table,

COME OUT! It growled reaching it's hairless paw under to try and grab them,

get away! The gold cried as it bit the humans hand,

It back away with a yelp,

Why you little- it whispered

Lucky I'm scared!! The diamond cried standing at the back of the table,

Don't worry blue, I got this! Lucky responded, staring with rage at the human,

HEY! they went that way! A voice called, not the humans,

I didn't see any slimepups run off THOUGH-

Well I did! They went towards the gas chambers

and with that the humans ran off,

It was silent for some moments

It's okay to come out you too,

The voice whispered once the hostile human was gone,

Lucky warily stepped out looking for the voice,

He nearly jumped out of his skin seeing a human smiling at it, it's eyes sympathetic,

The human appeared to be a yellowish color, but had a green shirt on, and blue pants,

It also had black hair on it's head and wore glasses,

It's okay I'm no threat! It gently spoke, sitting down to start rubbing the gold slimepups head

Blue also stepped out staring with afraid eyes,

You guys were in a bad spot a second ago. But I'll protect you, it stared around,

Come on I know a place, it spoke as it got up

Is it safe?... Blue asked,

Yeah! It's safe there,
The human responded,

Thank you, blue whispered,

Come on, I'll take you there.. human blinked

Blue, followed close behind lucky as the human began walking,

This human IS good.

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