17. 🐺

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Have you ever heard the tales of vampires, the so-called creatures of the night? Most people believe the myths and stories told about them—that they are the ultimate predators of the dark, lurking in the shadows with an insatiable thirst for blood. But here's a truth many don't know: we are the true creatures of the night, and we are known as Protectors. Unlike the vampires who revel in their dark image and dominance, we stand as guardians against the forces that threaten the balance of our world.

As a child, I was raised on stories of these violent, antisocial beings. The tales were filled with warnings about encounters with vampires—stories of how they would snatch young werewolves from their beds, turn them into ruthless killers, or worse. It was said that they used these young wolves as secret weapons, preying on the innocent. The fear of these creatures was palpable, and the stories were enough to make any child shiver.

One such story involved an entire pack of wolves that vanished without a trace. Their disappearance was so complete that it sparked an overhaul in our security measures, ensuring that no such tragedy would ever befall us again. Older teenagers often spun tales to frighten the younger pups, speaking of vampires who would stealthily infiltrate our community, snatching us away in the dead of night. I used to believe these stories, consumed by the fear that they might be true. But my mother always reassured me that they were nothing more than myths, whispers of the night meant to terrify rather than inform. She reminded me that we had our own defenders—superheroes and sidekicks who stood guard against such threats.

Yet, here I was, bound and blindfolded, trapped in a nightmare that defied all the tales and reassurances of my childhood. The blindfold pressed painfully against my eyes, the rough rope cutting into my wrists and ankles. My fear was compounded by the voices I could hear around me. They were familiar, yet their accents made them almost unintelligible, a twisted echo of something I had learned from Alec's circle. The realization that one of Alec's friends was among my captors sent a shiver down my spine. Why was he here, on the side of my tormentors? The questions swirled in my mind as I struggled against the ropes, each movement causing a sharp pang of pain.

I knew my brother, Colton, would sense my distress. Our twin bond was a powerful connection, a "radio station line" that allowed us to communicate telepathically. We could share thoughts, emotions, and even call for help when needed. I desperately tried to reach out to him, sending out silent pleas for rescue. But the drugs coursing through my veins seemed to interfere with our connection. My attempts to contact him were met with frustrating silence, and with each passing moment, my hope dimmed. The days seemed to blend together as I lay in this cold, dank basement, the despair growing heavier with each breath.

The basement door creaked open, and the sudden influx of sound and light made me flinch. My blindfold slipped to my neck, revealing two vampires who stood before me. Their eyes glowed a menacing red, their features twisted with hunger and cruelty. They looked at me with a predatory gleam, their veins bulging with an unquenchable thirst. I felt a paralyzing fear, my body frozen in terror. The very air seemed to pulse with their dark presence.

One of the vampires approached, his gaze fixated on me. His voice was a cold whisper, each word a dagger of dread. "Unless you try to escape or misbehave, I will have to bite your neck. I'd love to taste your sweet, juicy blood," he said, his eyes glinting with malicious intent.

The second vampire, a scar running down his neck, smirked. "Stop messing with the girl and don't freak her out. I need to meet our leader, who should be here in a day or two," he said, his tone carrying an undercurrent of irritation.

The scarred vampire continued, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "I hear the fifty nasty wolves call us the 'bloodthirsty creatures,' and we like to kidnap innocent wolves and turn them into us."

The mention of turning wolves into vampires, of making them into killers, was a chilling reminder of the stories I'd heard as a child. My throat tightened, and tears welled in my eyes, despite my attempts to stay composed. I had always been taught to be strong, to stand up to fear, but the sight of these monstrous beings was almost too much to bear.

"Answer me, girl, or I will bite your neck," the vampire with the scar warned, his voice cold and menacing. "And if anything happens, it will not be my fault."

I looked at them through tear-streaked eyes, struggling to maintain my dignity. The very idea of crying in front of these creatures seemed humiliating, but the fear I felt was overpowering. I recalled the lessons from my guardians, the advice from the most trustworthy leaders who had raised me. They had taught me how to protect myself, how to defend against the dark forces that threatened our kind. I thought of my father's ill-fated Halloween costume—a vampire outfit that had led to a memorable prank gone wrong. My mother's reaction had been fierce, and though it had ended with my father sporting a broken nose, it had made me laugh. It was a small comfort now, a reminder of better times amidst this nightmarish situation.

The vampires continued their conversation, their voices a mix of amusement and dark plotting. I overheard them discussing their plans for me—how they might kill me, how they might cut me up and use me as their "house pet," or worse, how they might serve me up as part of a twisted dinner party. The thought of being used as a meal was abhorrent, and it made my skin crawl. I was engulfed in a wave of revulsion, as if I were covered in something grotesque and foul.

The room seemed to shift as my thoughts raced. I noticed an unfamiliar face among the vampires, his breath reeking of Tennessee whiskey. The odor was overpowering, so pungent it made my stomach churn. It was as if he had consumed an entire bottle of spoiled liquor. My discomfort grew, and I had to fight the urge to vomit.

The leader of this vampire group, a figure of terrifying elegance, approached me. His gaze was both mesmerizing and horrifying. He crouched down to my level, his fangs gleaming in the dim light. "Well, what do we have here?" he said, his voice dripping with a sinister charm. "She looks delicious, don't you think?"

I tried to maintain my composure, even as fear gripped my heart. I forced a grin, though it felt more like a grimace. "What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

The leader's eyes narrowed, and he flashed his fangs. "You better watch what you say, little girl. I can take you somewhere and teach you a lesson you won't forget."

My defiance flared, despite the terror I felt. "I am the female Alpha. My twin brother will come for me. When he does, you will be the one begging for mercy," I warned him, trying to sound as authoritative as possible.

The leader's expression darkened, and he sneered. "Shut your mouth, you filthy bitch," he spat, throwing a water bottle at my feet. The bottle rolled towards me, the contents sloshing with each movement. "I don't have time for your bravado. Find my son and bring him here. She might be the one to satisfy his needs and be his companion pet."

His words were chilling, and I could only wonder about this son of his. What kind of monster was he? What did the leader want from me? As the vampires left, the leader remained behind, a menacing figure of cruelty.

In a final act of defiance, I spat at him, my saliva hitting his face. "You can all burn in hell with extra holy water," I yelled, my voice filled with a mix of rage and desperation.

The leader's eyes flared with anger, and he injected a syringe of sleeping medication into my neck. The sting of the needle was sharp, and I felt the drug beginning to take effect almost immediately. My vision blurred, and my consciousness started to fade.

As the darkness closed in, my thoughts were consumed by a single, haunting question: Who was his son? What had he meant by satisfying his needs? The world around me grew distant, my heartbeat slowing as I drifted into unconsciousness. All I could think of was the chilling uncertainty of what awaited me and the hope that somehow, my brother would find me before it was too late.

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