Prologue: Life Before

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"Huh? What could he be dming about during the work day? Yuji I swear I know your timezone is different but you should know by now." Andrew complains to himself, alone in his apartment. opening the messaging app he sees a message from his best bud Ryotomo Yuji. Yuji is from Japan, while Andrew (full name, Andrew Quin) is from the United States. They live quite far from each other but still like to play games together. Except Andrew works full time so he's barely on.

'Hey, Andrew I've got a question about the U.S., Is everyone really overweight? I know that's random but I've been scrolling through social media and that's all I've been seeing.' - 4:55

'Also, when do you get off work I really want to play the game today since they came out with a new update, hit me up when you're free' - 4:56

Well, that's quite a random question, thought Andrew as he read through Yujis texts. Well in any case ignoring the first question I totally forgot they released the new update today, I'm so hyped. I should be done in an hour. maybe I'll grab some dinner, Andrew thought this while thinking up a reply.


'I'm totally up to play tonight I'll be getting off work soonish but I'm gonna leave the house and get some food first' - 4:59

Andrew works at home, where he can't be bothered as he also lives alone. He works at a call center and has found that the noise the callers make is small but it adds up. He isn't a caller himself but a software engineer. Helping the callers fix any problems they may be having on their PC. "Let's see where did I put my keys?" Andrew does a sweep around his "office" otherwise known as his bedroom. A small organized clutter surrounds him. Mainly consisting of clothing. "Ah there you are, I should really invest in some kind of key holder.... not that I'm likely to use it." Andrew thought out loud as he grabbed his keys and headed to grab his coat and go to the parking lot.

After entering the car Andrew heads off. "I haven't splurged in a while maybe I should go for something unhealthy, like pizza. Wait, no, as good as that sounds, I've decided, I'm gonna go to that one Italian place and get some of their alfredo pasta. haven't had that in ages" With food on the brain Andrew heads out.

-A 6-minute drive later-

*Ding Ding Ding*

The door chimes as Andrew enters. "Ay been a while kid, what can I get ya." An old burly Italian dude asks behind the counter. "Hey pops I'm going for the alfredo pasta with the usual stuff on!" Andrew says practically tasting the goodness that awaits. "I'll get right on it!" The old man says as he heads to the back.

-10 minutes later-

"Ere you go, that'll be seven dollars and fifty-nine cents." The old man says to Andrew while handing over the food. "Ah yes here ya go exact change," Andrew says handing over the money. Aw man this is gonna be so good, a night of delicious food and amazing gaming. What could be better? Andrew thought as he got in his car to drive.

"K let's get this show on the road" starting to drive Andrew realizes something is wrong with the car behind him. What's going on with him I wonder? Probably better to get out of the way, luckily my turn is...




What... what happened? it's so dark. I'm Guessing I died, that'd explain my state. Guess I'm passing on to the afterlife or something. Oh hey, what's that? Andrew thought all this as he was slowly approaching a dark blue swirl that seemed to be pulling him in.

"Oh, you'll do! I do hope you'll forgive me for taking you out of the cycle of your universe!" Said an unknown disembodied voice. Andrew struggled to respond before giving up and going with the flow. A dark blue surrounded him on all sides where he vaguely took note that he couldn't see himself. Any anxiety that may have come from this revelation was swept away as his body materialized before his eyes.

"Hey, you sure have had a long day huh?"

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