💜❤️She's ours

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Pairing: Ally Mayfair-Richards x Wilhemina Venable x Fem lector

Author's note: Request made by wvenable, Wilhemina and Ally, with provocative jealousy and smut.

This is the first time I've written smut in a polyamorous relationship, so I hope they like it

Number of words: 2013


Your mind could not concentrate on the task in front of you, because your mind kept thinking about your wives who had stayed at home, apparently Ally and Mina had had the day off, but you were full of work; what you would not give to leave everything aside and go home to your wives.

You come out of your thoughts when you hear someone knocking at the door, your assistant Ara appears with your sixth cup of coffee in her hands. The night before you had "sleepless" with your wives and now it was taking its toll, you felt that at any moment you could fall asleep.

Ara was a young, pretty girl with a pretty good body, efficient in her work but with only one problem...she liked you.

Honestly at the beginning you didn't notice, you were so focused on your work that you didn't notice the not so subtle flirtations she was making, the problem was when this escalated leaving you gifts on your desk and asking you out on countless (occasions in which you rejected her) and clothes not suitable for work.

Her way of acting towards you had made you feel uncomfortable and you had thought very seriously about firing her, but unfortunately at the moment you couldn't do it. Just the thought of looking for someone else and training the person gave you a migraine, not to mention that right now they have a big project and time is running out so looking for a new assistant was not an option.

-Her coffee,- she says leaning over your desk giving you a direct view of her breasts with the cleavage she's wearing.

The position Ara is in causes some coffee to fall on your leg and as you feel the hot drink you stand up suddenly causing the rest to fall on your shirt.

In your desperation to remove the hot material you open your shirt exposing your torso with the skin irritated by what happened, it takes two seconds before Ara runs out and returns with several paper towels, to try to remove the hot drink.

-What the hell is going on here?!!" your wife Wilhemina's voice interrupts in the room making you wince at how authoritative her voice sounds.

Turning to look you find the redhead clearly angry and Ally in the same state.

-We wanted to surprise you during your lunch, but apparently we didn't bring the surprise,- Ally says as if she can understand what you're thinking.

By this point both of them are killing your assistant with their eyes and honestly you can't judge them, your shirt is open showing your bra and Ara is literally on top of you trying to fix what she provoked.

-It's honestly not what you think,- you say, pulling you away from Ara.

-Then what is it supposed to be?- asks Wilhemina with venom in her voice.

-Tell us because everything here looks like you're rolling with this one,- it's Ally's turn to speak her mind.

-Ara was bringing my coffee and by accident -turning to look at her angrily, -it fell on my shirt,- gesturing towards the coffee stained garment.

As soon as they hear that the atmosphere in the room changes completely, we had already told them before that Ara is flirting with you and about how uncomfortable she made you feel.

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