Rise of Danger

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It was a peaceful night in the city. The PJ Masks were getting ready to train their powers for battling villains in case they come outside of HQ.

Catboy: Okay, team. Let's train!

*The team starts training*
Gekko: Phew. I'm tired

Batarina: Yeah, I think we have to call it a night and practice tomorrow
Gekko: What she said

Owlette: Yeah,*yawns*we need a break for awhile

Catboy: Okay, goodnight.

The next scene focuses on Greg's house. It shows him sighing then falling asleep.

Greg: I hope the team's okay

The next day during recess at school, Connor and Greg are seen playing a card game. Connor pulls out a purple card that has the word 'science' written on it.

Connor: I win!

Greg: Congrats. Anyways, you think any villains are going to appear tonight?

Connor: Maybe. Could be Romeo if you ask me

Amaya(approaching them): Hey guys, so where are we going to go after school?

Connor: I was thinking the mall to buy some shoes but I don't think I have enough money because I only have seven dollars

Greg: It's crazy that the shoes he wanted to buy is exorbitant

Connor: By the way, where's Bella?

Amaya: She's still in class finishing up her homework on insects

Greg: Bella aside, what subject's after recess?

Amaya: Science. Did you do the homework on life cycles?

Greg: I did it during my free time

Connor: I didn't  because I was absent on that day. I'm going to ask teacher for the worksheet

Amaya: I'm sure he'd understand. Besides, we're going to the movies after school if that's okay with you both

Greg: No. I have to go to my grandma's house to pick up my science project that's due tomorrow

Connor: I have mine at home

Bella(approaching them): Hey guys. So what are we talking about?

Amaya: The homework on life cycles. Did you do it?

Bella: No. I was too busy with my math homework that I forgot about it

Greg: I mean you could do it now. Isn't it due today?

Amaya: It is. Bella, you have to do it or teacher's going to be mad

Connor: We can help you with it if you want

Bella: That would be nice

After recess...

Teacher: Okay. Can everyone pass the homework to the front?

Connor: May I receive the paper? I wasn't here

Teacher: I'm going to let you off the hook

Connor: Thanks

Teacher:Just make sure you do it as homework. Now I am going to dismiss all of you

The whole class:Yay!

Bella(walking): Now where should we go?

Connor: I'm gonna do my work

Greg: I think that we must go home first

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