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For the next two weeks, the wolf shows up regularly, sometimes even two days in a row. More often than not, he wanders onto your lawn while you're nose-deep in a book, but one time, he's already waiting for you when you return from the market.

In a silly mission to keep him entertained, you've started reading out loud to him, although you're not sure he's even awake a lot of the time.

"Okay, so this is a new one. I got it from Lia, and she said she really liked it, but you know, her taste can be... questionable," you chuckle as you inspect the book at the two-week mark.

"It's a romantic one, but I—oh, you're close!"

Usually, the wolf chooses one of the two small cherry trees to snooze under, one that's around ten meters from your usual seat on the back porch, but without you seeing, he's crept closer and lied down a mere two meters away.

And the most peculiar thing... the moment you utter the words, the wolf hastily jumps to his feet and backs another meter, looking surprised and almost... a little ashamed?

Sure, you're ridiculous for talking to him, and even more so for thinking that maybe... he understands? But you can't help but smile, "I didn't mean that you had to move away; I was just a little surprised."

Even more peculiar is how he then takes a few small steps closer.

"Anyway, as I was saying. It's a romantic book, so you're probably not going to like it. No man I've ever met has enjoyed that kind of thing. And you are a boy wolf, aren't you?"

To confirm what you've always just assumed, you lean down, tilting your head to try and make out something in the black fur.

"Yeah, definitely a boy wolf," you laugh, sitting up straight and watching the wolf quite literally scoff. Almost as if you offended him by having to look.

Still, he sits down, meeting your eyes, and... waits?

You let a few seconds pass, eventually raising the book and trying to find where you left off.

"Well, I guess we'll see if you like it or not."

You end up reading the rest of the page, looking up before turning it to see that the wolf has lied down again with its head on its paws, its yellow eyes watching you.


At ten p.m., you shut the book, trying to hide a yawn with it. "Sorry, wolfie, I guess that's it for now."

He sits up, and was that... a whine?

You chuckle because if you didn't know any better, you'd think that he wants you to continue reading. "Although I wish I could stay a little longer, it's late and starting to get cold. You'll have to find out if they kiss or not next time."

He sits there until you've retreated inside the house, and when you look through the window around twenty minutes later, he's curled up again in the same spot, sleeping.


The first time you touch him is a week later—three weeks in total since you first saw him.

You've finished the book, and instead of starting a new one immediately, you've taken to using your spare time to tend to your garden.

The wolf lies on his side, stretched out and snoozing under a tree while you're weeding. It doesn't bother you in the slightest, having your back turned toward him. Even though you're positive he's a wolf, he really acts more like a dog, and you don't think he'd hurt you.

Humming quietly, you try to get the roots as you rip weeds from the dirt when there's a sudden loud yelp from behind you.

Instantly, you turn your head to see the wolf leap into the air. He jumps around, waving his front left paw in the air and looking at the ground, all while whimpering.

summer nights and morning dew | jjkWhere stories live. Discover now