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┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓

There stood the very same people who long to forget the past and strive to move on at present yet actively fear the future

┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

They have met once, who said they cannot meet again in the near future
- Fate probably

❝ Y-Y/N...? ❞

Was all Heizou managed to mutter out as the said girl quickly turned away, avoiding any sort of eye contact with the male

Boy was she not prepared to see him again after all these years

❝ Well, this is rather a tad bit awkward ❞

Kazuha huffed as he watched the two undergo their awkward reunion, crossing his arms as he didn't expect this tense atmosphere to build up around them

He merely just granted Y/N's wish to meet with him, he clearly didn't sign up for this

❝ You two have a lot of catching up to do, I shall take my leave now ❞

The platinum blonde said as he turned his heel and walked off, leaving the other two behind in a ungodly awkward silence

❝ Erm...why don't you uh... take a seat, Y/N ❞

Heizou stuttered out in attempt to attract the girl's attention

❝ Oh! right... ❞

Y/N sat down, a little bit farther away from where the auburn haired male was, visibly fidgeting a bit from the slight discomfort of the whole idea of finally talking to the boy again

From somewhere unnoticeable, you'll be able to find some hints of around 6 heads poking out from a bush not too far from Heizou and Y/N, heads belonging to 4 males and 2 females

❝ This is so painful to watch ❞

❝ Shut! they'll hear us you tone deaf bard! ❞

Going back to the two sitting together-  or at least somewhat sitting together by the school bleachers found in the gym, the red head took it as an initiative to strike up a conversation to lighten up the mood a bit

❝ It seems that you are doing well... good to know! ❞

Heizou let out a nervous sounding chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, praying to the archons of celestia that he didn't make things more awkward than it already was

❝ Never thought we'd be going to the same school again, let alone see eachother after I left unannounced...I-I didn't mean to don't get me wrong! I-I swear I was going to tell you but I- ❞

The girl was such in a panic state that it made her fumble in her words, mentally cursing to herself on how many times she managed to stutter in front on the male she once felt comfortable to be around with

[ Y/N, calm the fuck down ]
she cursed in her head

❝ There is no need for an explanation, I'm just glad to be here with you now ❞

The auburn haired male's lips curled into a small smile, reassuring his female companion in any way possible

The very same smile that made Y/N fall harder for the boy

As the sky was painted with the tints of pink and orange, signaling that nightfall is soon to come, the lighting and scenery made the scene infront of Y/N a sight to behold

There was no saving her as her feelings she thought she lost all started flooding back as a wave of blood quickly rushed up to her cheeks

Despite the distance between them, she felt as if she was falling into the beautiful hues of olive green Heizou's eyes were born with

Unbeknownst to this, Heizou was also falling into the pits of e/c color in Y/N's eyes

Both of them have unknowingly put themselves into a trance

❝ Now kiss! ❞

❝ For archon's sake shut the fuck up Venti ❞

❝ Sorry- ❞

The ruckus behind the piles of leaves near the two was enough to pull Y/N back into reality yet failed to do the same for Heizou, who was still in the land of fantasia

❝ Y/N...❞

His soft gentle voice instantly grabbed her attention, jolting back her focus onto the boy

❝ You're as beautiful as the day I lost you ❞

════ ⋆★⋆ ════

Two updates because yes

My heizou playlist:
*aggressively plays Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery*

╰┈➤ ❝ [Till we meet again] ❞

─ 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢.

𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚊 _ S. HeizouWhere stories live. Discover now