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"Oh, Emmet, I..." I stumble over my words, my tongue seemingly to big for my mouth. His eyes are dead black.
"I swear to god, I'm going to kill him. Slowly. And painfully." He growls out, anger flooding his features. He zooms up and out of the room, vampire speed. I scream for Carlisle who comes in a flash.
"What's-" he's cut off by a screams of Rosalie and Edward and my hearts beating faster than normal. He runs up to the room and I follow, humanly slow.
I take in the seen in front of me. Emmet, teeth bared and snarling. Edward, growling, Rosalie, hissing at my entrance. I realize I'm not afraid for Edward. I'm afraid for Emmet. Emmet smells me and turns for a split second and I see a Edwards blurry figure leap and I scream as I hear Emmets roar of pain. Suddenly, Edward is being restrained by Carlisle and Rosalie jumps out a window, glass shattering all over the room. I curl into a ball, praying none of glass will cut me and set Edward off. When I look into Edwards onyx eyes, I feel an overwhelming feeling of fear and I whimper, terrified of his madman look. Emmet snaps his gaze to me and runs over to me and sniffs my neck, his hands running all over my body, checking for injuries. I automatically move closer to him, farther away from Edward, till my back is pressed against his chest and his arms are wrapped around me, comforting me.

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