General Information
Full name: Dakota Kolinski
Nickname: Tucker, Toots/Tootsie, Dako, Kota
Age: 23
Nationality: Polish
City of birth: Poznan
The current place for living: USA, [REDACTED]
Job title: MTF Operator
Employing company: SCP Foundation
Income: [REDACTED]
Mother language: Polish
Birthday: December 16th, 1999
Siblings: Martin Kolinski (older Brother)
What does the character like: Scepter team 1, food, sleeping, cuddles, videogames, airsoft stuff, music
What does the character dislike: Vaz, loud and sudden noises, thunder stormsPhysical Characteristics:
Addictions: Smoking and staying up late for days/not sleeping for days
Bad Habits: Smoking, binge eating (due to anxiety), scratching her wrist untill it bleeds
Color of Eyes: Baby blue
The color of Hair: Blonde
The color of Skin: Pale
Dialect: American
Does the character drink regularly: Energy drinks
Does the character have any disabilities: ADHD, Split Personality disorder, Personality Disorder, chronic insomnia
Good Habits: Random noises, sings randomly, dances randomly, despite being 6'1, always hides behing smaller persons when shy or scared
Height: 6'1 (185cm)
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, going to the shooting range, cooking