Chapter 0: Earth

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*Thud, Thud, Thud*

The sound of boots hitting the metal floor can be heard in a metallic corridor. These sounds were produced by an individual wearing a pair of combat boots and an ACU camouflage pattern uniform holding a file. Then they stopped at a white door and knocked.

"I said come in, don't stand there."

A man's voice could be heard from the inside. The man in question wore a white collar shirt, a pair of black suit trousers, a formal pair of men's shoes and to top it off a pristinely white lab coat with an identification card which said "Dr William Alton". The person wearing the uniform stepped inside and saluted the doctor.

"Sir! The results came in. I was ordered to bring them to you."

The person in the uniform spoke in a feminine voice.

"That's great, just put them here."

He said tapping the side of the desk he was sitting at. The uniformed person did just that.

"You're dismissed"

The uniformed person stomped and saluted then left the room. Dr Alton took a glance at the file and then turned 180 degrees to face a file cabinet and opened it and took a bunch of files and place them on the desk. He turned back and opened one.

 Name: Konrad Marcin Karabinski

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Nationality: Polish

Place of birth: Zary, Poland

Date of birth: 23rd January

Height: 5.76 feet/ 175.7cm

Physical health results:  Healthy

Mental health results: Minor violent tendencies otherwise mental stable.

Dr Alton did not read the rest of the file and closed it and took the new one and began to read it.


Meanwhile, somewhere else we see a man in a black t-shirt and grey combat trousers with black combat boots walking through a similar corridor that the person in the ACU uniform walked. He walked and walked as the sounds of a crowd became louder and louder until he turned to his right to face the double door with a sign above them saying "Mess Hall". He went inside and joined the line to get food. 

"The line is longer than usual."  He noticed.

As he waited another person joined the line behind him and was seen wearing an ACU uniform. That person then tapped his shoulder.


A feminine voice said.

The man then turned to who tapped him and immediately recognized the person.

"Oh, hey Marge sup?"

He responded.

"I've just given your test results to Dr Alton just now so that means Konrad, no dinner for you."

"No rzesz kurwa." [For fuck sake.]

He said defeated because Dr William Alton is his direct superior and supervisor, he is known to be quite strict when it comes to time and he knew that Dr Alton would call for him anytime soon. Then the intercom came on.

"May Mr Karabinski go to N2.115 right at this moment?"

Konrad Sighted.

"Marge, would you kindly hold my place in the queue?"

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