Just doing my Job •Katie McCabe•

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Walking into the Arsenal training center, was like a dream come true. Since I had supported the Arsenal teams, both men and women (sometimes even watching the academy teams) from a young age, meant I was pinching myself walking through the doors. From the moment I parked my car in the staff car park, to walking into the front doors to start my new job, I was questioning if this was real, or someone was going to jump out and scream "pranked" at me.

But as much as I was nervous, I knew I deserved this role for the team. I had spent the last few years studied sports science and physiotherapy, wanting to still be involved in sport as much as possible.

Growing up I had been heavily involved in sport, joining every team I could in secondary school. Falling in love particularly with football and hockey, playing for both teams til I was 17. But at that age I had suffered a severe injury and torn my ACL. Unfortunately, I was unable to fully recover enough to continue playing and achieving a professional level as I had hoped.

It broke me, as I group up seeing plenty of sport personnel recover from similar injuries and continue playing the sports they loved, but I was the unlucky one. This meant I was curious into why I didn't recover the way I should've and that kickstarted my curiosity into how the body works in relation to sport and sport recovery. I then learned that it was easier for women to sustain an ACL injury due to the makeup of our muscles, and that meant I wanted to support other players who had the fear of not being able to do what they loved. That path then lead to my current journey and occupation: the new sports physio for the Arsenal women's team.

Once I had met with Jonas Eidevall, the Women's manager/head coach, to discuss what is expected of me and the types of recovery sessions I would be holding for the team, I was shown to my office/recovery room to set up and organize everything how I liked it.

I moved my desk so it was next to the large open window, looking out to the training pitches, placing a few succulents around the room to give it a more homely feeling, rather than feeling like a medical room.

I then position the massage/recovery table on the far end of the room, away from the window so that there was more privacy. And once I had done that, I opened the office door and took my place behind my desk. I liked to keep the door open as it gave a more welcoming atmosphere to those who walked past, so they knew they could come and talk without thinking they're disrupting anything, I wanted to seem as approachable as possible, simply because I was. I liked to think I was a fairly friendly face.

Once I had sat down, I fired up my laptop and began preparing some recovery timetables for some of the players Jonas had forwarded me. And like that, I got lost in my work, a small smile making its way onto my face as I thought about the work and support I could provide the ladies with, to make sure they were fit enough to continue their career. Never wanting them to go through the emotional pain that I had went through.


I'm not sure how much time had passed whilst I was working, but it must've been long enough for the afternoon training session to be completed, as I was alerted to a presence at the door my a gentle knock. Looking towards the wooden frame, I was met with the bright smile of none other than Katie McCabe; I immediately stood up to greet the Irish forward, approaching her with a welcoming smile.

"Hi, Y/N right?" Her Irish accent was just as strong and prevalent as it was on interviews. A charming smirk was etched onto her face as I nodded and replied to her.

"Yeah it is, is everything okay?" I gestured my hand towards the massage table to the left of the room, welcoming her to take a seat, and as she walked towards it, I noticed a limp as she tried to put the pressure onto her left leg - clearly feeling some form of discomfort in the right one.

"Yeah, just a wrongly timed tackle in training, I think I've pulled a muscle in my thigh. But Jonas assured me that you're talented at what you do" Katie sent a wink my way as she finished her sentence, which was followed by a charming chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm quite the miracle worker, if I do say so myself" rolling my eyes as I laughed along with her. Before telling her to lay on her stomach.

"Right, just let me know where it hurts and if it gets too uncomfortable" With that I softly placed my hands on the middle of her right thigh, applying pressure to certain areas to get an understanding of what was going on with the muscle.

"Ah, yeah there hurts" she exclaimed as I applied pressure to the inner part of her thigh.

"Okay, luckily enough, it is just a tight muscle that must've spasmed as you stretched it too far, nothing my hands can't fix" As I said this she sent a cheeky smile my way with suggestively raised eyebrows. I laughed in reply before gently slapping her calf as a jokingly telling off. But it didn't end there, Katie 'the flirt' McCabe continued with her teasing throughout the small massage.

"Oh really? What else can your hand do?" I couldn't find it in myself to reply, as a clear blush made its way up my neck and settling on my cheeks at the Irish girls reply. I just shook my head and got back to work as she giggled to herself, seemingly pleased that she had made me flustered.

Pushing my thumbs into the skin, working my way up her thigh, I gently rolled her shorts up a bit more, so that I could access the top of her thigh. The tips of my fingers softly grazed the inside of her thigh, which pulled a slight whimper from Katie, which I pretended I didn't hear, just incase she got embarrassed. I continued with the massage on her legs, not noticing how she slightly parted her legs, the further my hand got, which caused a smirk to form on my lips, chuckling to myself as the action.

Katie seemed to hear my laugh, as she turned to face me slightly and seeing the smirk I was sporting. Once the massage was done, and she had informed me it felt a lot less tense, she sat up on the table but before I got the chance to move out the way, she pulled me toward her, where I found myself standing between her legs. Her lips a mere inch away from my own.

"I know what you're doing Y/N" She whispered as she glanced at my lips, sending a heat to my stomach.

"I'm just doing my job McCabe" I whispered back, before taking a step back and winking, finding my way back to my desk. Katie shook her head in disbelief, with a small smile gracing her lips, before ensuring me that she would be back for more massages.

(1282 words)

Just a small Katie McCabe Imagine.

Hope you enjoyed this little teasing trope 😂 I wasn't too sure where to go with this one but I'm satisfied with a small imagine for now.


What's everyone's favourite song at the moment?

I have 2.
The kind of love we make by Luke combs (chefs kiss 💋)
Right there by Nicole scherzinger (a throwback that you can't go wrong with)

Up next: Not so secret love •Ona Batlle• (requested)

Stay safe and enjoy reading

G x

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