Chapter 3

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 I gave up on trying to follow and laughed to myself before I walked back into the common room where mostly everyone stayed. I looked around and smiled at how people were getting along, it was nice. "Hey, Miss. Y/n!" I turned my head to see Wilbur and another man with him walking over to me. I smile and roll my eyes. "You really don't have to use formalities with me." Wilbur and the other man chuckled. "Alright then, Y/n, this is Jack or Radiation." I extend my arm to Jack and smile. "It's a pleasure Jack." Jack returns the smile and shakes my hand. "Likewise, Y/n." We break the handshake. "So, you have a kid?" I nod to Jack's question, "Yes I do, and I hear you also have a son Wilbur." Wilbur laughed at my comment.

"My parents told you, didn't they?" I tapped my nose, indicating to him that he was correct. "They also told me about your younger brother and Jack's son." Both men sighed with a smile on their faces as I laughed. "They are absolute demons together." I raised an eyebrow at their shared expression. "Are they that bad together?" They both look at each other before staring back at me. "My kid got into my workshop and somehow made an explosive of his own." My jaw drops as I stare at Jack, my head turns to Wilbur who was nodding his head. "They both thought it would be funny to give it as a present to our healer Bad as a 'gift'." I cover my mouth and try not to laugh, but I was failing to do so.

"I have no words except, I am so sorry." My laughs start to get a little louder as both men in front of me just look at me with pain filled smiles on their faces. I heard a knock come from the front door; I wonder who it is no one else was supposed to show up. "Would you two like to walk with me to the door?" They looked at each other then back at me and nodded with smiles on both of their faces. "Sure." I smile at them before turning around and walking to the door. I reach the door and open it a small amount to see a man with shoulder length curly brown hair and sunglasses. He was also holding a small child in his hands, the boy had bright orange hair and seemed to be half asleep.

"Hello, who may you be?" The man smiled at me as his hand rubbed the child's back. "Hello, my name is Eret. Are you Miss. Venom?" I nodded slowly as I looked the man up and down. "Who is it Y/n?" I opened the door wider to let Wilbur see the man that had arrived. "Ah Eret! You made it!" I look back at Wilbur confused. "This is Eret, he takes care of the kids when we are busy." I nod my head and I move out of the way to let the man into my home. "Nice to see you man, and you too my little champion!" Eret handed the child to Wilbur, and he proceeded to twirl the child around, making the child giggle at his father's actions. I smile as I turn my head to face the man named Eret.

"I should properly introduce myself. I am Miss. Venom, but you may call me Y/n." The man smiled at me and before we realized it, Wilbur had run off with his son. Me, Jack, and Eret just start laughing before we head back to the common room. Wilbur sat on the couch that was fully against the wall with his kid next to Techno. I wave at Jack and Eret and leave them to walk to Techno and Wilbur. "Hey!" They both look up before Techno looked away from me. I smiled as I rolled my eyes and sat on the other side of Wilbur as I looked at the child in his lap. "What's his name?" The child had taken hold of Wilbur's thumb. "Fundy, his name is Fundy." I looked at Fundy and he just had pure joy on his face. "He's adorable." Wilbur only kept his gaze on his son as his son played with his thumb.

Several hours had passed and everyone got along great with each other. I was walking around trying to find Dream so we could go pick up the boys. I found him talking to George and Sapnap(Blaze). I knew they all liked each other, but I also know that they are all stubborn as hell and won't tell each other because of their pride. I knocked on the door frame which caught all three of their attention. I had a smile on my face as Dream stood up and fixed his suit. "We have to go pick up the boys, let's go." I turned around and walked away from the room Dream following close behind me. I grabbed my bag and grabbed the doorknob when I heard a monotone voice speak up. "Can I come with you? I have to pick up my brother and Jack's kid as well from school."

I glance at Dream and he only shrugs. I turned back to Techno and smiled at him. "I don't see why not. Come on." Techno walked beside me as Dream walked behind the both of us. "So, I've heard that your brother is demonic?" Techno sighed, "That's an understatement, he's also loud and stubborn." I laugh as Techno only glares at me. "You can't tell me your kid isn't that bad." I thought for a moment before answering. "He has his moments, but for the most part very sweet and well-mannered kid, but even if he has those moments, I at least only have to deal with one like that." I grin up at Techno and he just rolls his eyes at me. I laugh and I also hear a small laugh come from Dream behind us.

"So, what's your brother's Jack's son's name?" Techno waited a bit before answering. "His name is Tommy and the other kid's name is Toby, but everyone just calls him Tubbo." Those names sound familiar, it may just be my imagination. We walked the rest of the way in silence. When we reached the school, Techno didn't walk away which made me confused. "Does your brother go here?" Techno looked at me confused as well. "Yeah, Ranboo goes here?" I nod my head as I stare at him. "Momma!" I look over to see Ranboo running over to me Purpled following close behind him. I smiled and kneeled down to the boys. "Hey boys! How was school?" Both boys smiled up at me, "It was good!" Purple went and hugged Dream's leg and Dream picked him up.

"TECHNO!!!" Techno groaned at the sudden screeching of his name from a child. I picked Ranboo up and looked where the yelling came from. Two small boys came running hand in hand, one was blond with bright blue eyes and the other had messy brown hair and brown eyes, from what I could see at least. "Hey boys." Both children clung onto Techno's legs causing me to laugh. All three of them looked at me and I finally saw Techno smile for the first time. "Hey! Mister grumpy pants can smile!" Techno's smile dropped and he looked away, but the two boys continued to look at me. "Who is she and why is she holding Boo?" The brown-haired boy spoke up and the blond-haired boy was glaring at me. "I'm Boo's mother, I also know Purpled's brother." The blond's expression lightened but he held tighter onto Techno's leg.

I laughs I look at Ranboo, "Are these two your friends?" Ranboo looked at me and nodded with a bright smile. "Yep! That's Tommy and that's Tubbo!" He pointed at the young boys holding Techno's leg. Techno leaned down and pried the boys off his legs and lifted them both up into his arms. "Tommy, Tubbo, I'm Y/n it's so good to finally meet you." I smile at the boys and they only stare at me for a couple minutes before giving me a small smile back. "Well, we should be heading back, come on Techno." Before I turn around, I see the boys give Techno a confused look. I started walking beside Dream who had Purpled in his arms. "Everyone is at Y/n's house right now and we are going to be staying there for a couple days." I heard both boys gasp in excitement, I also heard Techno trying not to drop both boys in his arms.

I turn my head and look back at what was happening. They boys were basically climbing all over Techno and he looked frustrated. I laughed and that caused Techno to look up at me, he huffed and finally got Tommy and Tubbo to calm down. The boys talked all the way to the house which made me happy that they all got along. When we reached the house, the boys went to go play in another room as Techno, Dream, and I walked back into the common room to only find a couple of people there. I saw Kristen and Phil sitting on the couch walking with Sam and Puffy(Rainbow). "Hello, we're back!" All four of them turned their heads to face the three of us that walked in."Welcome back Y/n, how were the boys?" I giggled a bit as I looked back at Techno who had a scowl on his face.

"They are fine, they are in Boo's room playing if you want to check on them Sam." Sam nodded as he got up and headed towards Ranboo's room. "What's got you pissed off mate?" Dream had wandered off somewhere, probably to talk to Sapnap and George. I turned around to face Techno with a shit eating grin on my face as I crossed my arms. "Yeah Techno, why are you pissed off?" He just glared at me before he passed by me to sit by his father on the couch. "Tommy and Tubbo are demons." I started laughing a bit and so did Phil and Kristen, Puffy was just confused while Techno just pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I would stay longer but I have some paperwork to attend to. Puffy, would you get them something to drink please." Puffy nodded as she got up and walked over to me. "Don't overwork yourself again, okay? I'll bring you stuff while you work okay." I gave Puffy a small smile. "You're too good to me Puffy." Puffy walked off after giving me a warm smile. "I will see you guys at dinner later." I smiled at the three of them before walking to my study. Once I close the door, I sigh as I walk to my chair and plop myself down into it.

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