Ch2 White Mana, P2

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White Mana (2)

Well, this is bad. Who steals a baby in front of so many people and gets away with it? This guy is brave.

Kye glared at the inside of the pot.

My infant body isn't going to let me protect myself, and to make matters worse... IT'S HOT IN THIS POT. New Mom, heeeeelp! Wait, I sense a strong mana signature approaching. It's James!

"Excuse me, Lieutenant," James said. "May I take a look at that pot?"

"But of course," he said as he held it up. "The General brought the wrong pot with him. I am returning this one and retrieving the correct pot that was gifted to the new parents."

"... I see. Very well." James was suspicious but decided to let the Lieutenant continue.

Nothing seems off about this man. He's not suppressing his mana or moving in a manner that would give him away as a kidnapper. He could be a good actor, but not likely good enough to fool me. The pot has an anti-mana coating or some such. I can't peer in with mana to gauge the contents.

"Allison, the Demon Lieutenant is my prime suspect at the moment, though I suspect he is an unwilling party in this scheme. I think it would be best to wait and watch for now."

"Understood. Wait..."


"Something's not right with Layla."

"Keep me updated. I'm going to follow this Lieutenant."

"Where are you?"

"Outside at the side entrance."

"Is he carrying anything?"

James was instantly weary of the Lieutenant and glued his eyes on the man. "Yes. A pot."

"Do not let him leave!"

"Got it."

James quickly moved in front of the Lieutenant and stopped him. "Hold up just a moment. You can switch out the pots later. There's no sense in missing the party just for this."

"That is all right. I do not mind at all." The demon smiled at James before stepping forward again. James did not move.

"I'm afraid I must insist."


Once Layla noticed she was no longer holding Kye, she immediately dropped the cloth in her arms that now held a rather realistic toy infant and yelled, "Guards, lock it down! Nobody leaves until I return!" Allison had just finished speaking with James and ran out of the room with Layla.

Zen looked over at a platinum-blonde man standing nearby. "Leonardo!" Without as much as a look, the man rushed after Layla and Allison. The three were out of the room and to the side entrance in moments, moving fast enough to appear as a blur for most present.

"Is that the one?" Layla asked as she approached James and the demon, the latter of whom had begun sweating.

"The pot he holds is protected. I cannot sense what is within," James said.

"No matter, we'll find out." Layla approached the Lieutenant holding her hand out. "Hand it over."

The demon was shaking, but immediately held the pot outward so that Layla could take it. Before her hands reached the pot, a cloaked figure appeared and took it. The cloaked person was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a very surprised group. Allison, James, and Leonardo took action instantly. The three were in hot pursuit of the cloaked figure, jumping onto the roof and following them into the city.

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