Ch4 The Royal Academy, P2

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Chapter 4: The Royal Academy (2)

After arriving at the academy, the entire student body gathered in the auditorium. With several hundred students per year, the auditorium was large enough to accommodate ten thousand people at once. Kye sat in the middle-left section near an aisle. Liliana sat in the aisle seat, Kye next to her, Alethea on her other side, and Aliana next to Alethea. The five students from Drachenheim were in the row in front of them. Kye glanced around and noticed a few other students in their year sitting near them. One was a girl from Alcanus who looked somewhat like Kye with the same shade of blonde hair and same length, but with golden eyes, rather than silver. Another was a Japanese girl with chest length black hair and dark brown eyes. Next to the two girls sat a Russian boy with short black hair and red eyes.

Alaira's group! I hope we'll be in the same class.

"Welcome to the Alcanus Royal Academy," Allison said. All chatter immediately stopped as her voice boomed across the auditorium. "Most of you know of me, but a proper introduction is in order for our first years. I am Allison Barrett of Alcanus, daughter of Prince Charles Barrett and Lady Hannah Marshall, and granddaughter of King Edward Barrett and Lord James Marshall. I have an affinity for all traditional types of mana."

"If nothing else, I must stress that no person present in this academy may cause intentional harm to another. We have had a single death in the history of this academy. I personally ended that altercation. If the academy's system detects an unusual amount of mana outside of an appropriate location for such, I or another staff member of my caliber will teleport to the scene, and it ends there. Our priority is a safe learning environment; however, we understand that students will have disagreements at times. In such situations, you may conduct a duel in the training grounds or the arena to settle the dispute. First years will be instructed on duels in their first combat class. To any who would choose to challenge this warning..." She released her aether and allowed it to fill the entire auditorium. "Please be capable of at least this much before making such a mistake."

She paused for a moment to allow the message to sink in before dispersing her aether and moving on. "The opening ceremony will now begin. First and foremost, I shall introduce the leaders of our empire." Behind her sat the five heads of state with their guards standing behind them. "Daemonheim officially joined our academy a few short years ago. Travel to and from Daemonheim has not been possible for long, however they have proven to be a kind and welcoming people to the rest of us and more than deserve a seat among the council. Before us sits the Demon King of Daemonheim, Lord Apollyon Voulzograd. He has reigned in Daemonheim since before the Atlantis Era." She initiated a round of applause as the handsome dark-haired, red-eyed Apollyon stood up and gave the crowd a smile and a wave.

"Next to Lord Apollyon is the Light King of Nippon Sekai, Lord Zen Akari I!" Kye's father stood and gave the same gesture as Apollyon as the crowd clapped. "Lord Zen is the grandson of two legendary women among the founders, Lady Hatsumi Akari and Lady Ginchiyo Tachibana!"

"Next to Lord Zen is the Dragon Queen of Drachenheim, Lady Draelana!" Doran's mother stood and repeated the gesture with the crowd's applause. "Lady Draelana is the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of two founders, Lord Drayon Maya and Lord Drakon Maya, respectively."

"Next to Lady Draelana is the Mage King of Alcanus, Lord Edward Barrett!" Edward stood up and repeated the same gesture. "Additionally, Lord Edward has reigned since the beginning of the Atlantis Era! He is one of the founders who were taken in by Atlantis during a dark and primitive time of Terra's ancient history."

"Oh, woe is me, my own granddaughter is calling me ancient!" Edward said, feigning being insulted. The crowd exploded in laughter upon seeing Edward's grin and laughed even harder when James added from the staff section, "You're ten million years old, old man!"

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