Chapter 1

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" Hey, we're home! " Emma watched as her brother Eren opened the door of the old house. " Hey, guys! " She waved at her two siblings as she handed some food off to her mother who was preparing lunch for the family. Carla Yeager had plated the food and the family gathered around the wooden table. Eren sat beside Grisha Yeager, their father, and began to talk about his father's upcoming job. Grisha Yeager was a doctor and was often out of town due to his work. " Eren's thinking about joining the scouts. " Mikasa had said, Mikasa was the adoptive daughter of the two parents. Carla had turned around, gasped, and placed her hands on her hips. Carla was angry, and Grisha stared at Eren whose face turned tomato red. " Get that ridiculous thought out of your head, young man! " Carla yelled, Emma jumped in her spot, almost knocking over her chair. " The outside, you really have no idea. " Their dad has said, Eren gritted his teeth and turned over to Grisha. " Yeah, I get it okay! But it's got to be better than this life! I'm not stupid! I know it's ugly out there, I know there is death around every corner but you can't just give up on it, cause otherwise this nightmare is not gonna end! " The room was silent, Emma had felt the tension in the room, and Carla grimaced at the boy. " I understand. It's time for me to go, I'll be late for the ferry. " Emma's eyes sat and followed her father who put on his hat, carried his bag, and headed towards the door. Carla chased after him. " Darling wait! Scold him! "

" Scold him? Your words won't hold back the boy's curiosity. Eren! Behave while I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I'm doing in the cellar, agreed? Emma, I'm sure you're interested, no? " Emma's breathe hitched in her throat, her eyes lit up as fast as Eren's did. " Yes, we are! " The twins yelled in unison. Grisha showed them the golden key he held before hiding it once more, then heading down the stone road in less than minutes. " Bye, dad! " Emma yelled, waving furiously at her retreating father. " I meant what I said, the whole idea is just irresponsible. "

" Huh! Irresponsible! So what? It's more grown up to live in fear inside some stupid wall! Your whole pointless life! " Eren took off running, Emma yelled for her brother and took off running right after. " Eren don't be so mean! Wai- slow down! " She stumbled over her feet but quickly caught herself and turned the corner.

" Ere- " Emma panted, she finally caught up to Eren who was cheering at the bullies who ran away at the sight of him, or maybe it was her. He was delusional, it was definitely her. " Armin! Y-your face, are you hurt? " Emma said, she had slouched over, resting her hands on her knees and panting heavily. " I'm alright, thank you. " He shakingly stood up by himself, a smile spread across his bruised face and his lips lifted at the sight of his childhood friends surrounding him.

" They just heard me rattling on about mankind's future beyond the walls, doubt they understood half of it, but still. " Her feet dangled beyond the side of the rock wall, she stared at the flowing water, Eren beside her propped one knee up and used his hand to toss rocks into the water. " Idiots, why does it have to be this way? Why can't people just dream? " Emma tossed a rock into the water, nibbling on her bottom lip, and silently listened to the conversation. " The walls were a genius idea, we've survived a hundred years because of them no one keen on tempting fate. I may not agree with that sentiment but I see where they're coming from, it's human nature Eren when it's all said and done the government policies are a reflection of our fears. "

" Really? I say to hell with them. " Emma sighed. "Someone's gonna hear you, shut it will you? " Eren rolled his eyes, tossing a pebble at Emma's back. " Why do I care? You're just going to side with mom about everything. " Emma frowned, rubbing the small of her back that Eren hit. " I don't care if you want to join the scouts Eren, just- " Suddenly yellow lightning shot down from the sky, the ground shook and the kids all jumped from their spots. Emma almost fell into the water beneath her, but she quickly caught herself and rolled away from the river. They had all yelled, jumping up. Armin was the first to move from the ground they all laid flat on, he ran, towards the forming crowd of people that stared up at the red hand and smoke that breached the top of the wall. Emma stared wide-eyed, backing up slowly. " It's a titan. " In seconds, the walls were breached, ruble flew everywhere and strong winds had pushed them back. Emma covered her eyes with her left arm, quickly moving it away to stare shakingly in her spot. She was frozen. " Momma! " She yelled, she took off running, away from Eren, away from Mikasa, and away from her life that was falling apart ever so quickly. She turned the corner and then it was gone, a large rock stood over the house she once called home. She cried, her legs ran faster and faster till she reached it and found her mother wincing under the rock that crushed her completely. " Emma. " She whispered weakly. Eren and Mikasa followed, she cried, trying to lift the roof off her mother but she was too tiny and weak. " The Titans have breached the walls. Eren take Emma and Mikasa and run! " Emma began to sob, sniffling and trying to lift the rubble with the help of Mikasa and Eren, her hands were starting to ache and bleed.

" Listen to me. My legs have been crushed, even if you can get me out of here I can't run, there's no time. " Emma gasped, trying to lift the roof with all her might, a titan walked by, turning towards them from ways away. " Whatever! I'll carry you! " She winced once her hands scrapped against the wood of the home, splinters filling her already bloody hands. " Why won't you listen to me just once in your life? I'm asking you to do one final thing! " Her eyes were red and tears fell down her chin, she screamed once a titan began to near the four of them. " DO you want all four of us to die? " Carla said, suddenly a wisp of air echoed in the sky, Hannes, a member of the Garrison had flown down to help the four of them. " Hannes! Take the children and get them out of here! "

" Come on now Carla, that's not our only option. Come on I'm a trained soldier, my skill set is fighting titans and saving lives! " Emma watched with widened red eyes and her mouth slowly drifting open, her head followed Hannes who ran towards the smiling titan. She lost sight of him the moment he disappeared behind the debris. She couldn't tell how fast time went but she could only feel hands wrap around her and she was lifted in the air. Her hands reached out for her mother whose lips lifted at the sight of Hannes lifting the three children off the ground. " What are you doing? Put me down, you bastard! " Emma yelled, clawing at Hannes who grunted under the pain. " We can't leave her! Stop it! "

" I love you! You hear me! Stay alive! "

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