Chapter 2

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" Come on, they're handing out food rations. " Emma smiled lightly, grabbing Eren's hand from off the floor and lifting him to his feet. " Did you sleep, good? " Eren rubbed his eyes, grabbing the key around his neck and tucking it in his shirt. " I had a weird dream, dad was there. " She nibbled on her lip, her eyes drifted down, they haven't heard from their father since the day Wall Maria fell. " He'll show up, let's go eat now. " As they walked out Eren stopped to adjust his eyes to the bright sunlight. " For what it's worth, I had a dream about dad too. " Emma muttered, Eren's lips parted as he not only watched the crowd of refugees argue over the food rations but listened to his twin about the dream she also had regarding their father and his strange disappearance. " Eren! Mikasa! Emma! " Armin had come running towards them yelling their name with an armful of bread. " Look we got some, Grandpa scrounged a little extra by saying he has kids. " Emma smiled softly, taking the bread from her friend. " Thank you. " Her stomach grumbled at the sight of the food and her mouth watered before she softly pulled apart the bread and began to set it in her mouth.

" What's his deal? " Emma lifted her head to see Eren narrowing his eyes at the Garrison Soldier. " There's nothing we can do about it, there's a shortage of food. This is a whole day's ration. There are too many refugees. They were already dealing with famine, there was strife between the locals and outsiders, and the poor man was

probably hungry. "

" Why are we giving all of this food to the refugees? When the titans broke through, they should've eaten more so there'd be fewer refugees. Eat up, the titans like a little meat on their bones. "

Emma stopped nibbling on her bread the moment Eren stomped forward, clenching his teeth and kicking the Garrison soldier right in his shin. " What are you doing you bastard? " Emma ran forward, the two Garrison soldiers had begun to kick down her twin. " Spineless cowards! All of you! Y-you don't know what it's like- " She stopped in her spot. " You've seen them! You've seen what they can do! " The man's mouth parted, he clicked his tongue and stepped forward once more. " He's sorry! W-we're just hungry. We all get that way, don't we? We just miss our mom, it's been a hard last few days, for all of us. " The man seemed defeated, he stepped back, looking at the forming crowd around them. " Yeah well, you all won't starve because of what we're doing for you, we're all hungry. Even kids need to have a little gratitude. " He stepped back, glaring at them before turning his back and disappearing behind the crowd. " I'm not going to be grateful for someone like him. "

" I'm going back to Wall Maria, to kill all of those titans. " She was no longer hungry, she looked down at the half-eaten bread in her hand and sighed. " Eren, you're not serious, are you? " Armin asked, Eren angrily jumped from his spot, startling Emma who sat beside him. " I'm serious! I'm not like those stuck-up soldiers, and I don't want this! " She watched as he tossed his bread at Armin who caught it quickly. " Eren! You'll starve! "

" Aren't you frustrated! You can't beat those titans by accepting food through charity! " Emma nibbled on her lip, and Mikasa watched silently. " That's impossible! You can't beat them! We have no other choice but to live within these walls! If you're unreasonable, you'll die! Like my mother and father! "

" So you'll bow your head to those bastards! Aren't you embarrassed? "

" Look at us! What choice do we have here? "

" We can damn well leave! Why don't you continue living like cattle, you coward! "

" Don't talk to Armin like that! " Emma yelled, her small fist connecting with Eren's already bruised face. He fell over, holding his cheek and staring wide-eyed at his sister. " If Armin's a coward, then so are, you, me, and everyone else here. We all depend on someone to defend against the titans, the food we have now is from charity and we need to take it to survive. Eren, I'll follow you, to the scouts, but we need to survive now to do that, don't we? " She grabbed the bread Armin held in his arms, tossing it at Eren who caught it clumsily.

A few days later many refugees were put out to plow the fields, however, the food shortage could not be resolved. That following year, 846, many refugees old enough to serve in the military were tasked with reclaiming Wall Maria. Of the 250,000 sent to battle roughly 20 percent of the population of that region only a few hundred survived. However, the sacrifice of all those lives helped resolve the shortage of food.

" It's all because of the titans. If we could kill them all, we would be able to go home. Armin, next year I'm going to sign up for the cadet training. I want to get strong to fight those titans "

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