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How is the fever now..?



I want to come back home. T.T


Go to sleep now. It'll be better tomorrow.

And remember to take turmeric milk.


Okay, gyanibaba -_-

Anurag laughed at her message. She was always this way, always dramatic and like a 3-year-old. Anurag for some reason liked it a lot.


You're leaving tomorrow..?


Yes, around 12 pm.



Anurag waited for another text for a while then kept his phone away on desk. He was currently at his desk which was very clean today. He looked around and found his pen. He wanted to write what it was going to be. He didn't know that but he knew that it was going to be related to Prerna. He looked around for it but couldn't find it.

Anurag had no option but to call the only person who would know about it.

"Hello...." A sleepy voice came from the other side.

"You know, that diary which I used to write..." Anurag said.

"What about that..?"

"..Sid, are you alright? No, because why are you asleep this early." Anurag questioned.

"Listen, there are times when I like to act like a normal person so please stop sounding so shocked." Sid said. He did sound fully awake. Maybe the topic of the diary was interesting for me.


"What about the diary..?" Sid asked not wanting to waste his time on this idiot who had nothing to do other than thinking about Prerna.

"Do you by any chance know where it is..?" Anurag asked hesitantly.

"In the bottom rack of your wardrobe." Sid stated confidently.

"....." although he knew Sid would know this but still it shocked him, "how...."

"That is a secret. And idiots like you are not supposed to know that." said Sid.

"What...." Anurag asked, confused.

And the call was cut off from the other side and Anurag never got his answer.

Anurag searched for it and it was indeed there. He opened it and started writing.

It's 1:18 am, a very unusual hour for me to be awake especially since it's not related to work.

Anurag had a habit writing something in his diary on a daily basis, specially during nights when he missed someone. 

But you know nowadays it's very normal for me to be thinking about you at this hour. And not just during night but you're on my mind all day. It's concerning, you know.

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