Ch5 The Goddess of Light, P4

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Chapter 5: The Goddess of Light (4)

The students in the courtyard were shocked when Kye suddenly hit the ground. The impact threw dust and chunks of concrete all over the place. She blew the dust away and struggled to her feet.

"Are you okay?" one asked.

"I'm gonna feel that one tomorrow," Kye said. "But I'll be fine. All of you, take shelter this instant. You cannot be outside at a time like this! The more we have to worry about you, the more we are distracted in combat."

The students didn't move, they just looked at her as if she had said nothing.

"What? Hey, get moving!" They still didn't move. One of them snapped a finger next to his ear and acted as though he didn't hear that either. Kye quickly accessed her phone HUD and used her royal authority to force all of them into a single channel. "Go take shelter. If your hearing loss persists, go to the infirmary once we announce that it's safe to go outside."

"""Yes, ma'am!""" The group ran away toward their dorms, as instructed.

Kye got rid of the channel and looked at the sky. Alethea was flying down toward her and quickly landed. "Shi-chan! Are you okay?"

"I'm okay enough. A little pissed off, but okay."

"Ready to get back to it?"

Kye nodded. As they readied to take to the sky, the S-rank landed in front of them. Their eyes widened. Its mana was heavy. Just standing near it was difficult.

This creature is too strong. It has so much mana... I'm barely keeping up even using Mana Burst to block its attacks. Without Mana Burst, even one of its attacks would knock me to the ground.

"You..." it spoke. Its voice was strained, and sounded as if multiple people were speaking at once. There was a dark tone speaking with a high-pitched tone. "Powerful."

"You can speak?"


"Are you intelligent?"


"Shi-chan, it doesn't seem intelligent. But the fact that it can speak is concerning."

"Yeah. I... don't want to consider the possibilities right now."

"What will you do?"

"Give it what it wants. There are no options."

"But even you can't handle that much right now. Its mana is so dense."

"I can take it, but it's not gonna be easy."

"Fight." A sword suddenly appeared in the beast's hand and was engulfed in its mana. Kye hardened her expression and gripped her blade.

Mana Burst allows me to push out 500 to 2000 times the output for a single milisecond. That window is so miniscule that most people could never manage to pull it off in the instant it was needed, but I've done this so much its second nature. One mistake and I'm in for a world of hurt.

But even that isn't enough to take on this monster.

It's now or never...

"So, you want a good fight, eh?"

"Yes. Fight."

"Very well. I'll pull out all the stops just for you."


Kye took a deep breath and focused inward and drew upon her soul. She willed her aether to compress to an incredible degree. "<<Aether Drive>>!" Aether exploded forth and wrapped around her body. The aether grew more and more dense. It was as though a tempest of aether was hiding her from view. After a moment, it refined and clung to her body. It became completely calm. Her silver irises glowed with the color of light aether, and a lighter gold ring appeared around her pupil.

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