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The story begins with an Mysterious Heist in Mexico city of North America at night. A two mysterious persons came from nowhere. One is a female and another is a male. A female Con woman fights against the security guards while a Mysterious Con Man jammed all electronic cameras and pulled the heist by transferring the money into his own account, UPI, Cryptos and everything. The two of them opened the 6 digits passcode bulletproof Vault. The vault opens, where the Con Persons saw the expensive Sports car called KOENESEGG JESKO. The latest model super car. The con Woman asks the Conman, "Hey! listen! we had put lots of hardwork and we find this, A Super car!" The Conman replied her, This is no ordinary super car Babe! It's a Key to the weapon that I am looking for. This key has a 5.1 L(5,065.48 cc;309 cu in) engine. Superb!" The guards were heading towards them. Both of them sat in the car and drive away on  the streets of Mexico. Soon the truck came and loaded the first Key and ran away where Mexico Police unable to catch and failed. Later female Con woman's pictures were posted on CIA and Interpol files as well as the Terrorist Mastermind's picture was posted on the files too, but it was blured as it's a Top Secret.

 Later female Con woman's pictures were posted on CIA and Interpol files as well as the Terrorist Mastermind's picture was posted on the files too, but it was blured as it's a Top Secret

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The story goes to New Delhi where Defense Minister Sharna Patel, Head of R&AW Colonel Sunil Luthra and R&AW Agent Kabir Dhaliwal were discussing on the matter about how to stop the Terrorist Mastermind name Omar Hafiz and her Con Woman criminal name Monika Jha. Defense Minister Sharna Patel says them, "If I am not wrong, the heist was pulled on at North America, Am I right?" Colonel Luthra told her, "As our agency's sources, the cordinates were from Mexico City". Kabir Dhaliwal told them, "The Package they had stole from the high security vault was highly classified extremely dangerous item. We don't know what it was. But we know that the suspects's pictures were posted by CIA and INTERPOL". Sharna Patel was surprised by saying, "What! They stole the dangerous tech and you are saying to me right now!  You better find that mastermind before CIA and INTERPOL gets them. Activate all your Agents right away!" Kabir told them, "Ma'am! Sir!  I know that what are these and who are we dealing with! So, I need both your Authorization. I can't activate my Agents for this after what happened on my last mission after all that Rizwan Illyassi and Saurabh thing. We need a group of new and young R&AW Agents for this Operation. Here are some details". Agent Kabir gave all the new young teenagers's details. (Karan Dhaliwal, Ashish Malhotra, Varun Nanda and Sonia Fernandes). Defense Minister read the details and reacted, "Kabir! what are all these, they are still young . How could you place these kids's  details on R&AW and IB files?" Kabir and Colonel Luthra told her, "These young adults are the future. And we are sure that these kids have the potential. Plus the Con Woman's picture was placed here at the criminal file, her age is similar to these kids. You think! at the very young age how she pulled all the big heists! and crimes!" Kabir says further, "I guess, This young Woman is just a Pawn and she only do what her master told her to do,  And Omar is all behind this. If I am not wrong, than it will be much bigger battle between Intelligence Agency and Terrorism!". As Defense Minister Sharna Patel left with no choice, and finally approved the New Agents. 

At R&AW Special Cell, 4 friends, Karan Dhaliwal, Ashish Malhotra, Varun Nanda and Sonia Fernandes were onboard on this special operation. Karan's Elder cousin Kabir came onboard too to be the boss of the CREW. "Brother! Why have you called us here in the Agency special Cell? Do you need our help. As you know, Me and Varun were as an IB activist. Ashish was in Cyber Cell and Sonia an Undercover street Racer. That's what you want to tell us?" Kabir was impressed and told them "Yeah! Now let's talk business!". Kabir and Colonel Luthra told them, that the previous incident happened was the Heist who pulled by the Terrorist Mastermind named Omar Hafiz. who is also a gang leader of High speed illegal Street Races called themselves NFS. Kabir further told them the illegal street races hosted by this young Woman named Monika Jha. Karan was surprised but he became silent and listened to the Debrief. "So guys! I had told you every details. What's your call?" Karan told his brother, "Is this our first Undercover mission?" Kabir replied him, "Yes! By the way, Best of luck! you can do this". Karan replied him, "Thanks brother Kabir!" Kabir told them if their Crew needs to infiltrate on NFS gang than they should beat the tryout Race. Karan Dhaliwal and his Crew started to find the details and some leads.

While Spying, The Crew some how entered the NFS Gang's building took all the guards down and Ashish starts to hack and access the security systems. Sonia told him, "How much it will take you to break the codes?" Ashish replied her, " Almost done. Sonia! Karan! you may enter in their Race. Don't get caught! If you get caught than win their fake trust instead!". Both of them understood and entered into illegal street race. On the Street racing 🏎️, Karan Dhaliwal saw the same girl "Monika Jha" where he last saw at the R&AW file. Sonia asked him, "Karan! Are you ok?" Karan replied her, "Yeah! I am fine! Let's beat those street racers!". Later during the race, Karan and Sonia beat those racers in the race and won. Monika Jha was furious at her anger  and said to Sonia and Karan Dhaliwal "You had made a big mistake by entering into my Race. What do you think, we haven't kept extra Backup security Ha!". The backup security guards brought Ashish and Varun. "Ah! Looks like we all had been caught ha!" Ashish and Varun said. Monika said them, "Looks like you and your Crew are finished! Kill them!". "Monika! Let them go! They're here for some street racing that's all". The Terrorist Mastermind reveals himself. He is none other than Omar Hafiz. And the Crew were surprised to see him face to face in person.

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