Will at school

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TW: Homophobia

Will had been drinking lots of water. He was strangely really thirsty today. He had just finished another bottle of water when he realized he needed to use the bathroom. He wanted to get up and ask the teacher, but he didn't have the guts to do it. He knew he could just use the bathroom after class anyway, so he ignored it and kept working on the assignment.

Once class was over Mike approached him. Will thought I really have to use the bathroom...ugh it's embarrassing...

"Hey Will. Did you bring a lunchbox today?"

"Huh? Yeah...why?" Will grabbed his things and did his best not to squirm. Mike noticed Will's uncomfortableness, but he chose not to say anything.

"Could you spare any of your extra food? I don't think I'm gonna through the lunch line. Who knows what they serve there." Mike chuckled, but noticed Will was still looking uncomfortable so he stopped laughing and shifted from foot to foot awkwardly.

"Um...y-yeah. I can give you some...but um...I gotta go...um...s-see you later at lunch..." Will ran off to go to the bathroom as Mike stood in the hallway, confused. He thought Will didn't want to be around him, but clearly, he just really had to pee.

Will was almost got to the bathroom when a teacher stopped him. Will silently groaned as he turned around.

"Class is starting...and no running in the halls. I'll let you off the hook today because you're a good student, but don't let it happen again." Will nodded and crossed his legs. "Well, run along to class." Will walked off to his next class, fully aware that he was going to have an "accident" all because of that teacher interrupting him.

Throughout class Will squirmed and crossed his legs, anything to not wet himself. Some people were whispering about him, but he didn't care. He'd be the school laughing stock if he wet himself.

As soon as the bell rang Will speed walked, not ran, to the bathroom. He didn't want some teacher he'd never seen before to stop him this time. He walked in and saw Troy. No no no no no! Not today...any day but today... Will thought.

"Oh, hey you Fag." Troy laughed. "What're you doing here?"

Will squirmed and tried not to cross his legs. "I-I...u-um...can I just-"

"J-J-Just what?" Troy mocked.

"...u-um...I..." Will started to cry and his voice cracked. "I...I..."

"Sp-Sp-Spit it out crybaby!"

Tears filled his eyes as his pants darkened. A slight dripping sound filled the empty bathroom. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he tried to stop, but he couldn't. Troy's eyes widened. He started laughing and pointed.

"Oh my god! The Fag Crybaby pissed himself!" Troy continued laughing as the bell rang. "Well, see you later Piss Pants." Will stood in the bathroom crying.

Will Byers OmoWhere stories live. Discover now