Bikinis?! Dog Food Fight!?

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Miroku: Lily, will you do the honor to bear me a child


Sango: MIROKU!!!!!!!

Miruko: ....uh-oh

*Miruko ran away from Sango *

Lily: AHEM...! Anyways I'm sorry I haven't been updating new chapters. I was too busy about school and chores.... And yes, I babysiting...

Miruko: So... You took care of kids? 

Lily: Yup!

Miruko: Still wanna bear my son?

Lily: Heck no!

Inuyasha: so... What's the dare?

Lily: oh! The dare is for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru ...

*Drinking soda while reading comments. while she was reading it she spits all the coke out *

Lily: ...PFFFT!!! This is gonna be hilarious!!! AHAHAHAHA!

Inuyasha: Is it bad!?

Sesshomaru: ....

Lily: it's say "Have Inuyasha and his brother, Sesshomaru, wearing a BIKINI and have a DOG FOOD FIGHT! 03o ( that's a derpy face)

Rin: Sesshomaru-sama.... What's a bikini?

Jaken: shut up Rin!

*Lily glares at Jaken*

Lily: Why don't YOU shut your mouth... Jaken... Don't say that to a child....

Jaken: G-GYAA!

Rin: Thanks Lily Chan!

*Lily smiles at Rin*

Sesshomaru: Where's the bikini's?

Kirara: Their some bikini over there!

Kagura: well, well, well would you look at that!

Inuyasha: oh hell naw! I ain't doing that!

Kikyo: but you'll look cool....

*Lily points at Kikyo*

Lily: OK that is a lie!

Lady Kaeda: That's a terrible advice sister of mines.

*Kagome went to Inuyasha*

Kagome: But you have to love.... It's a dare... A dare is a dare....

Inuyasha: *sigh* OK... Ok I'll do it.....

*Shippo leads them to the dressing room*

Naraku: Revenge Inuyasha and Sesshomaru....

Lily: 03o.....keep dreaming Naraku

Kohaku: Yo! Lily! I got the dog food!

Lily: Thanks Kohaku!

*Lily hugs Kohaku* (in this book Kohaku is 16 or 15....because last time he was 11 or 12.... I think)

Kohaku: 0//////0 (that's a blushes face)

*Kohaku hugs Lily tightly*

Lily: ....!? Are you okay!?

*Kagome whisper to Sango*

Kagome: Does Kohaku likes Lily?

Sango: well I never see him with a girl and blush alot when she hugs him... OMG I think he does!

*looks at Kohaku and Lily*

Inuyasha: I AINT COMING OUT!!!

Sesshomaru: .....It's... Embarrassing...

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