Chapter 8 - Real Love Or Fake Love

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And we are back once again.

I'm gonna do the love potion thing different. Rather than the same adventure, imma make it funny and interesting. I'm also gonna forget the mission Henrietta asked them to do, that just seemed like filler to me and an excuse to put Louise in a waitress outfit.

I will not waste time here.


Damien sat in the room. Kirche, Tabitha, Montmorency and Guiche were gathered as they tried to find out how to make this potion to get Louise back to normal.

Speaking of Louise, she was trying to kiss him again.

Damien was going through a dilemma.

'The person she has the most affection towards.... Am I looking too far into this or does she.... No, there's no way she would.'

This line of thinking got him thinking of something he never thought about before.

How he felt.

He doesn't know how he feels about her. He definitely feels something, but he doesn't know what that is.

'I mean, I wouldn't be against it. Who wouldn't want a chance with Louise? She's cute, kinda funny when she wants to be, she's smart, confident... But there's no way I like her... Right?'

He's confused because these are the same feelings he has for Siesta and he's not sure if he likes them both or if he just views them as good friends.

"Daaamieeeen! Pay attention to meee!" She whined as she clung to him.

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure. What's up? You need something?"

He shouldn't have asked that question.

"Uhuh. I need a kiss. Gimme one!"

He's trying to wrap his head around Louise saying "gimme" now.

"I'm not going to do that Louise." He said looking away with a slightly red face.

"Ohhh! Why noooot?"

"Because.... Look, under any other circumstance, I probably would. I think.... I don't really know honestly, but right now, you're not yourself. When you aren't under the influence of a potion and you can ask me to kiss you...." He wasn't sure if he should say this, but he was going to anyway. "Then sure. I'll do it. Until then, I'll settle for a hug at least, not that I can stop you."

She somehow seemed contempt with that for now.

"Aww, that was just adorable. Watching the familiar care for her Master like that." Kirche teased.

Damien looked away and grumbled.

"I'm looking out for my friend, that's all. I'm not going to take advantage of her when she has no control over her own mind." He said simply.

That's when Derflinger spoke up.

"A love potion ay? Waste of time those things are." It said.

"You know about it?" Damien asked.

"Did the sword just talk?" Montmorency asked. Shocked by this new find.

"I... Think it did." Guiche said in the same shocked state.

"Love potions were used a lot by women mostly. Girls with no courage to ask a guy out. So they use a love potion to get them to do it. Always ends the same way. The effect wears off and the guy remembers everything he did without being in control. Some freaky bastards stayed with the girl, but most bailed." Derflinger explained.

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