Chapter Seven - Reunion

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After following Dark Ace into the abandoned drill platform, the group settles in. After a moment of silence, Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: How long have you been here?

Dark Ace: 10 seasons.

Suki: Seasons?

Dark Ace: Hunting cycles. When the Predators gather a group of elite warriors from across the universe to hunt.

Weiss: So you know what we're dealing with?

Dark Ace: More or less. They're a race of hunters who thrive on the thrill of the hunt.

Yang: So that's why we're here? Just to be hunted?

Dark Ace: Yes. But you've proven to be quite the interesting group.

Vlad: How so?

Dark Ace: You see, the Predators don't hunt you right away. What they do is watch, observe. They stalk from the shadows, studying your capabilities. Then once they've learned what they need to know, they hunt.

As Dark Ace says this, it became clear to the rest of the group as to how dangerous the Predators were. But more importantly, how they operated.

Dark Ace: But you lot have got their full attention. You're the first group in a long time to have killed one of them so early in the season.

Upon hearing this, everyone remembered how Repton not killed the Predator, but also devoured his heart. Wrex chuckles.

Wrex: No bad, runt. It's usually a Krogan that kicks the hornet's nest!

Sev: So how do we take them out?

Dark Ace: However you can. Whenever one of us kills one of them, they take notes and adapt. Then when the next season comes around, they're different. Different armor, weapons, skills and everything else in between.

As Dark Ace said that, footsteps were heard. The group readied their weapons for a fight, but Dark Ace gestures them to stop. As footsteps were heard approaching the entrance, Dark Ace slowly approaches the door. He then lets out a barely audible whistle. Seconds later, that same whistle was repeated. Dark Ace then gestures to the rest of the group to stand down as he opens the door. A woman wearing Predator armor enters the room.

Dark Ace: Did you find anything?

The woman then hands Dark Ace some Predator weaponry which included a Combi Stick.

Dark Ace: Not bad.

???: Something's out there. Whatever it is, it's got their attention.

Dark Ace: Speaking of which, I found the group that's been causing quite the commotion.

As Dark Ace points to the group, the woman was silent as she looks upon Ruby.

???: R....Ruby?

Upon hearing this, Ruby and the rest of her teammates were confused. The rest of the group as well as Dark Ace shared their confusion.

Ruby: Do I know you?

As Ruby asked that question, the woman approached Team RWBY. She then removed her Predator helmet, revealing a young woman with long red hair and green eyes. Upon seeing the woman's face, Ruby was in shock. Ruby began to tear up as the rest of Team RWBY began to recognize her.

Ruby: P....Pyrrha....

The woman now known as Pyrrha smiled as Ruby. With tears in her eyes, Ruby hugged Pyrrha tightly. The rest of Team RWBY were in shock to see Pyrrha.

Dark Ace: Do you know them?

Pyrrha: Yes. They're friends of mine back at Beacon.

Ruby: I...I don't understand! I...I saw you die!

Pyrrha: I...I still don't know exactly what happened. The last thing I remember was Cinder....then there was a bright light and....that's when I ended up here.

Yang: I still can't believe it....

Blake: So much has changed since that day.

Pyrrha: I can only imagine. I only wish I were there. Tell me, how are Jaune and the others?

Upon hearing that question, Team RWBY thought about how much Jaune, Ren and Nora been through ever since the Fall of Beacon.

Ruby: You'd be proud of them.

Pyrrha: Finding a way back to Remnant is what's kept me going. Dark Ace and I are what's left of our group.

Vlad: Then that means....

Dark Ace: Dead. All have fallen prey to the Predators. We were not close to most of them. But there were a few of them that seemed like decent people.

Suki: Like that Sandor Clegane?

Pyrrha: Yes. Sandor was....a dear friend. Of all the people in our group, he was the one who deserved better. He was not the kindest man, but he had a good heart.

Blake: And the Dark Ace?

Pyrrha: Dark Ace and I have our differences, but he's proven himself to be an invaluable ally. I don't think I could've made it this far without him.

Repton: I hate to interrupt your...reunion, but we have more pressing matters. How do we escape?

Dark Ace: We've been trying to escape this planet since we arrived. We first tried to reach the end of the preserve, but there is no edge of the preserve.

Pyrrha: The closest we ever got to escaping was using one of their ships. But it didn't work.

Ruby: There....there has to be a way to escape!

Dark Ace: The Predators are no fools. Like I said before, they adapt.

Vlad: I'm sure an opportunity will present itself.

Ruby: What's the plan?

Dark Ace: We'll rest here until the storm passes. These storms tend to last awhile. Once the storm passes, we'll head to one of our other safe havens.

Repton: Never stay in one place. Smart.

Pyrrha: It's how we've hid from them for so long.

Dark Ace: This storm should interfere with most of their tracking technology, but it doesn't mean that they're completely blind and deaf. They're always searching. Rest up while you can.

With that, the group had finally found sanctuary. Much to the shock of Team RWBY, they had been reunited with Pyrrha Nikos who they thought had been killed. As things seemed to be going well for them, Vlad would soon make his move.

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