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Pearl POV

Today is a nice day, it's a shame I gotta spend it chasing Amethyst and her new "prank pal" all over beach city!


She is seen riding on the golems shoulders laughing maniacally.

Y/n: Pearl seems greatly displeased with our involvement in this activity. Shouldn't we stop?

Amethyst: what? No! Of course not, we're having fun aren't we?

Y/n: fun? I do not recall what that word means?

Amethyst: what?! You don't know what fun is?!

Y/n nods his head.

Amethyst: alright! I'll teach you! Let's hurry and get out of here!

Y/n then crouches down and launches both him and Amethyst into the sky, destroying almost all of the boardwalk they were on. Pearl just looks on in disbelief and worry.

Amethyst POV


Whoa! We just totally demolished the boardwalk! I mean I knew he was strong but this is insane!

Y/n: where would you like to go?

Amethyst: somewhere where there's no people!

Y/n just nods his head before they begin to decent, at a very rapid pace might I add.

Amethyst: whoa whoa WHOA! Slow down I might shatter from this height!

All he does in response is position his feet below him and holds her in a bridal position.

Amethyst: whoa, At least take me to dinner first!

When they land a sizable crater is formed.

Y/n: is this ok?

Amethyst: yeah, but we need something to break!

Y/n walks off only to come back with a car in his hands.

Amethyst: dude! Did you just take that off of the road?! Wait. Where's the driver?!

Y/n: he was in the way so I moved him.

Amethyst: where?

Y/n simply points to the forest on the other side of the street. Where they can hear a "very manly" scream as the owner of the car runs out being chased by a bear.

Randy the rando: HELP ME!!!!!

Y/n: should I intervene?

Amethyst: yes! Go, now!

Y/n drops the car and dashes in between the bear and the man. The bear goes to swipe at him, but he catches the paw in an iron clad hold and slams the poor beast on the ground fracturing many of its bones, a few puncture some vital organs, killing it.

Amethyst: whoa! Dude! You killed it, I told you to stop it from hurting him, not to kill it!

Y/n: would you like it to survive?

Amethyst: how, it's already dea-

She is cut off by y/n's hands glowing a vibrant crimson as he places them on the bear they all hear the sickening sound of bones snapping back in place as flesh repairs itself. A few seconds of this and the bear's fur turns blood red as it wakes up.

Amethyst: whoa! Dude! That's just like Steven's lion!

The bear then cowers in fear of the golem.

Y/n: be not afraid. I will no longer bring any harm to you.

The bear still slightly weary slowly crawls forward as y/n reaches out his hand to pet the beast. It flinches at first but then let's him touch it's head (like how to train your dragon)

Amethyst: whoa, that's awesome! What will you name it?

Y/n: Anne.

The bear just grumbles in a happy way at the sound of it's new name.

Amethyst: isn't that a little girly for it?

Y/n: this bear is female, the reason it was chasing him was that he found her Cubs.

Amethyst: ooooh. Cool, what are we gonna do now?

Y/n looks on in thought.

Y/n: we should return and see Steven's friend, it seemed that he was eager for us to meet.

Amethyst: oh yeah! Connie will flood you with questions! You sure you can handle it?

Y/n: it would take the force of a collapsing star to make me cease functionality.

Amethyst: hahahaha! Dude do you know what sarcasm is?

Y/n's eyes go to static for a few seconds before turning back to normal.

Y/n: "the use of irony to mock or convey contempt."

His voice resembled that of a text to speech generator.

Amethyst: why did your voice do that?

Y/n: I combed the internet until I found the definition.

Amethyst's eyes lit up in surprise.

Amethyst: you went through the ENTIRE internet in 7 seconds!?

Y/n: my max processing speed cannot be measured by any existing numerals.

Randy the rando: yeah, that's cool and all, but who's gonna pay for my car?!

Amethyst then grows a look of fear on her face.

Amethyst: hey, y/n, how fast can you get us home?

Y/n: I can safely transport you at
Mach 5, although if you wanted to go faster that would cause long term health issues. But we need to take the bear and I cannot safely carry both of you wile running.

Amethyst: I don't care! just get us out of here!!!

Randy the rando: hey! No you don't! Get back here! You gotta pay fo-

He is cut off by y/n picking up Amethyst, hopping onto the bear and riding of into the distance.

Another chapter done!
Sorry this took so long but school started again and I don't have that much free time. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and that's all folks!

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