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As the sky filled with dark clouds and thundered and poured across the sky, my soul filled with emptiness... Not a single day has passed that I feel nothing.

As the waves of the sea clashed together, it felt as if I was fighting myself. Just one day... One day... I have wished that I actually had a family...

....Sit at the table....

.....Have movie nights...

.....Go on family vacations....

.....All I ever wanted was one day where mom...

....my dad....

.....and me...

.....we're just together....

.....even if my mom couldn't be here....

.....Just me and my dad together...

sitting and eating at the table even if it was just in silence...

....I'd take that any day...


As the sea water filled my lungs and as my body drowned down deeper into the ocean water...

I wondered....

When did it all go wrong?...

When I bombed Bonten and destroyed all of Tokyo..?

When dad and his executives left...?

When I killed 50,000 people that one time...?

When I was taken by Takemichi...?

When dad never paid attention to me...?



was it because I killed mom after she gave birth to me...?

It couldn't be any of those....


Kazutora was right...

It was all Mikey's fault...

Or maybe I'm just going crazy...


As I felt my head start bleeding out in the sea water... and the bullet wounds in my body suddenly went numb..., I wondered if sharks would just come eat me up since they could smell blood from miles away...

I mean... I dont wanna die but I do...

I'm constantly fighting myself and I wanna end it..

Im so tired...

Why do other people with families get to live the life we wanted??

Why do girls our age have much greater bonds with their fathers while the rest of us have to suffer because of our fathers...?

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