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Waking up in the morning is not really my thing but because i kindly push to go in the college i need to damn wake up in the morning i look to my clock see what time is it.
"shiiiit im gonna late in first school and i hate attention om my god my father gonna kill me shit.
I shower like flush and as soon i finish i heard knock in my door..
Madam-sir" Mitchell is waiting for you in the kitchen"
I heard the maids said. I open the door and walk passing by the maid and go to where my father is.
"Good morning Rebecca good your here are you ready to go in school??
" morning too dad ahmm i really need to do this dad? I mean i have work making song and acting is ilove to do."
Rebecca we talk about this million times and you know my answer for this. Finish your study and will make you do what ever you want to do.
I nodded and eat my breakfast..
" Ok honey i need to go  i have meeting in whole day and dont wait me later ok? Have fun with your school and please be careful" iloveyou honey bye..
"ok bye dad i loveyou. I said and looking to my fathers gathered he's things and walk away oh i better go then before i gonna super late to my first class. God help me.
Minutes later beca arrive in school and all student aws to see her car.  Meanwhile stacy aubry and Chloe is in the entrance talking about how the summer goes on..

"Oh my god  girls you don't believe what i heard mr Smith the principal said that the only daughter of mr warren Mitchell is gonna be students here."Stacy said
O" h and for sure she's a spoiled brat like the others daughter of rich then "Aubrey said
Ok bre dont judges people that we dont know yet okay? Chloe said and give smile to Aubrey and stacy we better Aubrey cut by the people's looking to the entrance.
O"h my god she's here. Stacey said with excitement tone
Beca out in here car with a confuse looking to people
Why they looking at me like that? I shook my head and put my shade on walking pass by to other student i heard them saying something how cool i was and my car is...
I stop by the 3 women who is in way.
"Hi im Stacy and this is my friends Aubrey and chloe "i heard the long legged brunette said
I stop and awkwardly  smile said
" hello im beca " ahm nice meeting you all but i need to go.. Beca said and walk fast she really dont have time to talk. She need to see mr smith to get here scheduled..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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