chapter 10: Was it?

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"No~" Jimin wined out as he hid his face into his pillow, his heat was still going but it was more durable now. His heats usually last about 1 week, sometimes 2 if it's been delayed or he has been around too many strong pheromones.

"Why now, are you a dream?"

He pouted as he got up to walk to the bathroom, his thighs sticky with white stuff and his private part was throbbing in a sequence as if it was telling jimin it wanted a dick in it.

"Ughh I do not remember cumming this much an- How is there some on my butt?!"
Jimin angrily scrubbed at his butt with a wet towel and threw it in his overflowing-with clothes-basket where he kept his dirty laundry.

He turned on the shower to luke warm and put his body under the nice warm water.

He like warm showers, not to hot, not to cold.

'just like those hunks-'

Jimin quickly snapped out of his trance and scrubbed his body more trying not to think of those undeniably hot boys that seemed to just keep slipping into his mind. He needed to see them. Even if he didn't want to he could not have them on his mind 24/7 that was just purely unacceptable. Especially if he (nigere) knows they're in a close proximity to him.

Jimin finished his shower and got his towel from his cabinet in his bathroom. He dried off and put some oils and lotion on his body. He then got his clothes and put on some Jogger like black shorts that tightly fit around his luxurious ass they came down mid-thigh and had pockets on the thigh parts. He then brushed his teeth and put his hair product in his wavy long hair. He loved his hair. Even if it wasn't long to reach his but it was still long. It was enough to touch mid back but closer to his top part of his back. He then used a cotton towel to dry his hair. And after 10 minutes of air drying jimin had wavy platinum hair.

He got dressed and put his sports bra crop top that was white and had black lines for the logo on the sides. Even tho he didnt have boobs per say- he always managed to make it look good.

He put on his black sweater, took some heat suppressant pills and water with a couple of snacks in his travel fit bag and was on his way through the doo-


Jimin stopped abruptly when a hand was on his shoulder. He turned around only to face his appa staring at him mad.

"Y-Yes app-"

"I took my pill-"

His dad turned away from him and pouted while crossing his arms. Jimin chuckled at his cute expression and said in a soft voice,

"Okay appa, i'll eat it."

His dad looked at him and shook his head softly, he took jimin's hand land brought him to the kitchen where he served his food in a bowl, his dad fed him the re-heated up porridge that he cooked on the stove.

"Okay im off now appa!" jimin said while putting on his black filá's

"Okay Hun. get back safe!"


Jimin walked out of his house a far enough distance for him to run into the woods without being spotted.
He put his hair up in a small ponytail while jogging into the forest. He sniffed around for any possible scents he could detect in his area. Once he felt there was nothing but a moss and sap smell coming from the trees he chilled out. Enjoying the summery-breeze.

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