3. Gone..

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⚠️NOT MY STORY⚠️ story by @Ebarnaville

Finney shaw WAS my best friend. He went missing 4 days ago while I was sleeping in his house. We had gotten into an argument at the sleepover and he needed to cool off. It was too late to call my mom so I unfortunately had to stay

Finney- your such a bitch!

Y/n- says you!

Finney- your lucky it's 3am otherwise I'd send your ass home!

I rolled my eyes and turned in the bed, so my back was now facing him. Instead of him coming to cuddle me and apologise he stormed out of the house

Finney's pov

I walked down the street, into the next block. I couldn't believe her. She was driving me insane and I needed a break. All she does is talk about Vance. Vance this, Vance that! I can't fucking take it! I know her and I are only friends but seriously she needs to stop talking about Vance

As I was walking down the street, a black van pulled up next to me. A tall man got out and stood in front of me

Grabber- could you tell me how to get to the grab n go

Finney- eh sure it's down-

Before I could finish, he pulled a can out of his pocket and began shaking it to activate the gas inside. He grabbed me and sprayed it into my mouth

Y/n pov

I waited for hours for finney to come back. It was coming on to 6am and finney still wasn't back.

In a blind panic I ran to the phone, dialling my mothers number, tears pricking my eyes

Mom- hello?

Y/n- mom... finney, he's gone

Mom- what?

Y/n- we had a fight and he left but that was at 3 and now he's gone!

Mom- ok ok calm down, where's his father?

Y/n- working

Mom- I can't get off work just yet. I'll call the police, stay calm

I hung up the phone, tears now spilling like a waterfall from my eyes. If I had just shut up about Vance then maybe finney would still be here. I only spoke about him to take my mind off finney.

The police arrived about 2 hours later. My head spinning as they questioned me

Police- and your sure he left the house?

Y/n- what the shit kind of question is that!Police- language

Y/n- yes I'm fucking sure he left!

Police- young lady!

Y/n- fuck you

I stormed off to finneys room, wrapping my body in his blanket in an effort to feel close to him

I felt empty. Without finney I was nothing. He was gone. My best friend, my sanity, my life was gone

Soon I would join him. Not with the grabber but with death. Like I said without finney I am nothing

505 words
I think I should go to sleep now because it's nearly 1am I'm the uk rn and I more tired than my snoring dad 😭😭😭

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