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It puts up with him an hour to write the note. At first, he wrote and threw them in the corner because it wasn't good. At least ten chapters he wrote then the eleventh note was perfect. So he tore the note from the copy and kept it with jungkook mobile. Whenever jungkook awakens he will first search for his mobile though.

He took his keys from where had kept them and looked at him apologetically. He murmured SORRY and got out of the room silently.

When Namjoon reached his apartment the time was midnight. He was feeling so tired and upset. Namjoon didn't make an effort to take off his shoes and threw himself on the bed. Curling into a ball he forcefully closed his eyes. He needed to sleep. The next morning is a critical day for him. He will take a day off and will inform yoongi. That would be good.

When jungkook woke up in the late morning his throat felt dry and his head felt heavy. He slid the sheet from his body he gets on his feet while wanking and then rubbed his eyes. He glanced in the direction of the sofa and he widened his eyes in surprise.

Namjoon was on the sofa. He rubbed his head and rushed to check in the bathroom.

Fuck it. He wasn't there too. His body felt weak and his body shook head to toe.

Does Namjoon betray him and run away?

Why did he trust that he would be truthful to him?

He was panicking. He needed to call jimin and tell him he failed. He failed to do what his friends had requested him.

He sees that his phone is plugged into a charger. Wait he doesn't do that. Then? He noticed the paper. He recalls he hadn't taken off his shoes or neither did he.....Namjoon. He took the paper and in his hind. And his eyes filled with tears but he relaxed reading the note.

If I ask you to change the title of this book what you'll suggest? In one word.

Good morning jungkook

Good morning, jungkook said to nobody but as he read it slipped from his mouth.

I know you're stressing yourself right now as you're reading this note. Just relax and take deep breaths. I am not running to the police or anywhere. The coach wasn't comfortable with my sleep, I needed my bed so I left.

Jungkook smiled at it and glanced at the couch, it was average size. He can sleep on it probably. Maybe it is because he can sleep anywhere

Jungkook, I overheard you when you were talking to someone, I don't whom but I heard you. I think we need to talk to each other clearly because what I understand is that you have still hidden something from me. Right?

Jungkook's heart stopped beating for a second. He put down the note stared at it for a long time gathered his courage and took it again to read.

I have to go to the restaurant and talk to my hyungs about all this because I don't know what to do. Don't worry I will not push you into danger. That's the last thing I want to do. Call me or text me. I will be waiting for you.


Jungkook put the note in his bag after saving Namjoon's number. He lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. He was nervous and excited too. He was positive that he will understand and help him and finally the shit will be over and he will go back to Busan.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now