Chapter 1

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I feel so wasted.It's awful.

Funny thing is, I don't really know why.
Looking out the car window, I sighed silently.Wouldn't be good if my dad heard it.

"I'm pretty sure I'm past puberty." I thought to myself.
Tomorrow will probably be shit too.Whatever. I mean, why do they have to spend so much on back to school, just for me to feel so anxious?
Show me who hired those designers. I just want to talk.

Back home, I immediately took a cold shower. Unlike my friends, I do think having a cold shower in winter feels great.
Walking to my room, I saw a message placed right on my table.

"To January? Oh well."

Yes. My name is indeed January. Trust me, I don't know why they named me after my birth month.
Really embarrassing when teachers calls my name, followed by at least two random laughters around the classroom.

Thanks dad.

"What's this for?"
"I dunno, I didn't check it. Just open it, Jan!"
So that's what I did. And I saw a piece of paper. I saw the person who wrote it, and shivers went down my back.
Jane. My mom.

"So what was it?"

"You can go check yourself."I threw the paper down the stairs. I closed the door right after.
I heard dad picking up the paper, sitting down at his wooden chair, and then silence.
Honestly, I don't know how it got like this.

Their marriage went alright, until they had me (supposedly), then it went downhill from what I could remember.
All the arguments, the fights, dad trying his best not to kill my mom. In the end, the situation got so bad one day, the police had to separate them.

I can't really remember the exact date, but I think it was when I was 6 years old...

Actually, why I'm I thinking about this?
I sat down and started checking my school bag. I don't want to leave a bad impression to the teachers by missing their homework.

Usually I'm not the study type. But I prefer vacation homework because I had just ask my good friend.
Actually, how about I just call him now?


"What's up, Mars?"I chuckled:"Missed me?"

I could tell Marwin was getting excited by the exceptional way he fell off that sofa.
"Jan! Jesus, I thought you were dead."He laughed as he rubbed his head.
"Well, how's my funeral going going?"

"I was just gonna by some white tulips too!"I enjoy video calls, because otherwise i wouldn't be able to see him making up that fake sad face.
"So where were you?"

I have to admit, it can get lonely sometimes in vacation, when both of us have important stuff to do.
"But you're dying tomorrow, when school starts."
" you're going to hell with me."

We can always get a good laugh out of each other, but apparently I don't deserve this.
"Jan! Come do some chores instead of talking to a degenerate!"

"Ouch."Marwins acted like he just got shot in the heart. Looking like he's about to cease to exist because of the word.
"Dad! I told you he had a name! Marwins, remember?"
"I don't care! Now come down!"

I rubbed by forehead and sighed reluctantly."Well, bye then Mars."
"See you tomorrow in inferno, Jan-chan!"

So I hang up.

It's no surprise dad looks exhausted, since he has to keep working on his computer. What a poor man.
"Done dad."
"Thanks Jan."He yawned hard as those hands typed away on the keyboard."Go do whatever now."
"No prob."

January BoyWhere stories live. Discover now