Chapter 3

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The school door never felt so light to push through.

Gladly, I walked towards the direction of my house, which was not as far away as you might think.
Now that I think about it, how did I get so late this morning? Guess panicking isn't the best when you're in a bad situation.
But I do hope I'm not as stupid tomorrow.

"Jan, how was school?" You'd think he would be on the couch drinking beer, but no.
My dad is quite unlucky, to be a 'good' team member of the company which I have no idea about and don't care about.
"It was fine. Also, please don't repeat that question every day."

"I won't." Understandable, but I just had to say it in case he had nothing to do.
I when into my own room, and locked the door. My dad has no problems with it probably because he doesn't want to know my business, so I never asked him.

Why I would I ask? I was perfectly fine with this privacy.

I sat down my chair, and took out my books. There were plenty of information waiting to be discovered, and I didn't want to fail my classes.

To be honest, I don't like doing notes (unless they're about history of course). But it was a simple rule I set up for myself when I was just a kid.
And don't forget, elementary can still be brutal sometimes, so I needed a way to get things done.
And at the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with doing some extra work right?

As long as you know you're benefiting off of it.
That's enough inspirational speech for today. I turned on some acoustic music behind those headphones, and sank into my world.

"Jan, dinner." Before I could notice him, dad creeped up into room.
As I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I glanced over to his computer. The clock clearly said 7 pm.

"It's so late."

My dad always seemed to be just decent at cooking. The dishes weren't insufferable but definitely not gourmet either.
Side note, We don't pray before eating, because we don't feel like it. I occasionally do it when I'm in a really great mood but it's not often.

We ate in silence. It's not weird if we did it for years, so I was comfortable golfing down the meal.
"Thanks for the food." Dad stretched as he responded.
"No prob. Be sure to clean it later.""Alright."

Unlike most people, I didn't complain about doing the dishes, might because I kept doing it since I was a incompetent boy.

Kinda grateful dad made me do chores so often, survival skills like these come in handy when you get a guest.
"I'm done with notes."
So I called Marwin up.

"You still there?""Yeah man. Gotta deal with the tests."

We talked for a hot second, before he hanged up on me and sent me some texts.
"He says I can't use electronics...and he's offline now."
I don't hate playing video games alone, but it can get annoying as random people open their voice chats and either spits on the microphone or start saying slurs.

Like, if you can't control your rage, why still play the game?
I sighed and logged on. The server was still exploding with players for the game's popularity.
Which could be a good thing, and a bad thing. On one hand, you could join with random people, on the other hand, matches are just too different.

And did I mention the matchmaking system in this game is shit?
Thought not.

"He's in the building!"What did I say about the voice chat? I hate speaking with teammates.
After hopping on a match like such, it felt fresh to hold the controller after a day of pure awkwardness. And I don't usually consider school torture, but today was really pushing my limits.
At least there was May to divide some of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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