Stupid thing i said (pt.2 to memories)

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Still has talk of some scenes in the movie

TW:fighting,mention of kidnapping,self hate comfort

It's been a few days since robins been missing the police still haven't found him

I miss him

I keep bugging Gwenny if she had any dreams about him her answer was always the same 'no' I started to get worried i started to get less and less sleep it hurt knowing that Robin was gone

I had panic attacks sometimes and the kids at school still picked on me it got even worse since Robin wasn't there they'd say rude stuff like "you're stupid boyfriend isn't hear so we can do anything want to you" "you fag I hope you die"

I hated that they were right I was just a disgusting person today was no different dad was drunk me and Gwenny walked in silence all the way to school I mean it was already silent there were no fights going on and no shouting

I sat in science Donna tried to get me to talk I didn't really want to I looked out side to the field memories of me and Robin running around messing with each other came flooding in

I started to space out...

I hated what I said that day maybe I should've stayed with Robin maybe I should've told him I loved him too maybe we shouldn't have fought with him

"Finney" "FINNEY" I heard someone say it was Donna "do you need to go to the nurse's?" She asked "no,I'm fine" I respond I pack my stuff and head out of class "hey finney" i hear the black haired boy say

I start walking to bathroom I hide in the last stall "come out faggot there isn't anyone to protect you,Robin isn't here" I walk out of the stall and then like always I get beat up by them

I see them walk out i try to get up I fall a couple of times before getting up I head out to the field I sit at the tree me and Robin met at I slowly close my eyes I end up falling asleep

"FINN COME ON" i hear someone say I look back it's Robin he's waving at me we're at the arcade I smile and walk over to him we play for awhile it's 8 when we finish so he walks me home the walk was silent when we reached my house I don't know why but all of it comes out at that moment "ROBIN WAIT" I yell he turns around I go running towards him I smash my lips against his I pull away "I love you Robin Arellano" i say looking in his eyes I can see he's confused

I back away but he pulls me back in to a kiss "I love you too finney blake" I hear him say he smiles at me I start blushing after that we started dating well in secret I think Gwenny was the first person to find out then Donna it was nice that they supported us

"Mi vida,can we skip school today" I hear Robin say as I'm cleaning "no Robin you need to bring your math grade up" I say he groans I roll my eyes I feel his arms wrap around my waist I smile I feel him tighten his grip "Robin what are you doi-" he picks me up and swings me around I start laughing "Robin out me down we need to get ready" I say smiling he puts me down "pls my love can we skip I roll my eyes and face him i kiss him on the cheek "fine this once?" I question he shakes his head "yes mi vida" he says kissing me I laugh he picks me up again spinning me we start laughing

We're cuddling on the couch I pull away he touched my back it felt so weird I sat up 'no not this memory' I thought we're at the walkway again "stop following me" I say I can't control myself  "pero fin-" I cut him off 'no no not this' "no don't say anything go back home robin" 'stop no stop please' I start crying "te amo finney,I'm sorry" I hear him say and then it fades

"I hate you finney blake" I hear robins voice say

I wake up crying and breathing heavy I start sobbing and choking it was a nightmare he didn't actually say that right



But anyways byeeee love you all 😘have a nice day/night

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