George's pov
This is the second day in their house and they are still unpacking stuff
George was in his room setting up his desk
George grabbed his phone too see from who the notification was
It was from messages with the name "luke the dummy"
Luke was his friend from his old school and they promised they still be friends even tho George moved
George immediately had a smile on his face and opened the text
Luke the dummyLuke: hey man, how is you're new house?
It's alright my old room was bigger :George
Luke: bad for you man, you better set up you're pc so we can play gta or something
I will, need to go now bye :george
Luke: Alr see ya
————————————————————————George shutdown his phone and got back to work
(Skipping time)
George was done with his desk so he grabbed his phone and started scrolling on social media
"GEORGE AND AMY COME DOWNSTAIRS DINNER IS READY" George's mom screamed from downstairs
George got up, opens his door and walked downstairs straight to the kitchen, he saw that Amy already sat down and his dad too
"What do we have" George asked
"I ordered pizza so I didn't have to clean everything with my hand because the dishwasher doesn't work" George's mom said"I ordered for you the basic one I hope that's okay"
"Yeah it's okay I love that one" George said
They all started eating
"School starts tomorrow are you guys ready?" George's mom asked
"Yeah I'm very excited" Amy said
George didn't know what to say because he was scared, scared of being alone and that nobody will like him because he's gay,he already had many times that people ending up don't wanna be friends with him because he's gay
"Little bit scared but I'm gonna be fine" George's said
"Why honey what's wrong?" George's mom asked
"I'm scared people won't like me because I'm gay" George said, he looked down because he didn't wanna let them see that he was about to cry
"Don't worry Georgie I think everyone will like you, you are the sweetest person ever" George's mom said
"Thanks mom" george said as he started to calm down
"Yeah kid I'm sure you get lots of friends" George's dad said
George gave them a smile and they all finished eating
He walked upstairs and started setting up his pc and he was done after about an hour
I think I'm gonna ask Luke to play some games
He opened discord and called Luke
"Wanna play some games I just set up my pc"
"Yeah ofc man what do you want to do"
"Sure"They played for many hours and it was now 10 pm
"I think I'm gonna head off, I have my first day of school tomorrow and I don't want black creeks under my eye" George said to Luce
"Okay mate good luck" Luce said
George turned off his computer, walked downstairs and said goodnight to his mom and dad
He walked back upstairs and started to brush his teeth, he walked back to his room got changed and got in bed
Hii Guys I hope y'all enjoy this chapter I know it's not long but I'm very tired, I will probably post an update tomorrow and make a longer chapter (561 words)

The Rose
RomanceGeorge is a boy who moved to a new place and a new school, he started to be friends with a tall boy with dirty blond hair, will he fell in love? Let's find out