Doma x sock

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My friend keeps requesting Doma x them so here you are @amisfitm and I literally got the plot off of a TikTok 🤧....

Modern au. 

Sock was chilling on their couch in their house while watching tv at 9 pm. It was a boring exhausting day at work so they decided to chill once they got home. Flipping through the channels they got to the news channel, before they changed the channel it mentioned a murderer which caught their attention. Lately there has been a killer going around and murdering random civilians. Each kill was in a different unique way. Just lately the police found a victim with all his organs removed with chunks removed. Almost as if this killer has been eating the organs... 

Normally this would scare people or make them nervous to leave their homes. Sock was more interested in said killer. The way how each kill was different enticed them. This killer was sure creative their work. But the mere thought that anyone you know or meet on a daily basis could be this killer as no evidence on what they look like has been found. 

The killer killed all sorts of people most of them being young women in their early 20's. No one knew why this was, maybe the killer was a pervert? Or maybe the killer had a grudge against women. Whatever the reason was, the police was going to find out. This whole case was... Somewhat interesting. 

-time skip some days-

Sock had been writing every murder the killer has done that was on the news, the exact way they killed their victim, how the body was hid, etc etc. Maybe they were too interested in this but sock didn't care. Socks friends were a bit scared for them, including Sam. (Casually adds me in the story🤭) It was starting to seem like they were a fan of this killer. This person was known as the woman-eater considering the amount of young women they killed and the common bite marks and chunks taken out the victim.

Every week or so there would be a victim that wasn't a woman like usual but the name didn't dissipate. Sock wondered how they even fell asleep at night knowing they were a full blown serial killer. Part of them was intrigued the other part felt scared and sad for the families of the victims.

-1 week later-

Sock was chilling on their couch again, scrolling through stuff on their phone before they decided to turn on the TV. The news was playing on how the murderer they seemed to be obsessed with was in their area. They felt scared but... A little excited? They didn't know why it felt a bit exciting, maybe they took too much of a liking to this killer. 

They heard a thump and small pitter patter sounds coming from their bedroom. The noises almost sounded like foot steps. Sock froze before turning off the TV. They dialed 911 quickly but not calling the number just in case it's nothing. They grabbed a knife from the kitchen in defense before they slowly went up the stairs. It was so quiet now, except for the sound of the stairs creaking and Sock's heavy breaths. 

Slowly they opened their bedroom door to see a man on their bed reading their journal and the window open. The exact journal with all the notes about this "Woman-eater." The man looked up and stared at Sock. His alluring rainbow eyes piercing Sock's soul. The man drew a mischievous grin on his face. He slowly closed the book and chuckled. Sock could stare at this man for days. He had a nice build with platinum blonde hair, and inhuman rainbow eyes. His pale skin glowed with the light of moon through the open window. 

"Hm... It seems I have a fan, does it not?" He said, his tone being full of evil. That tone could make anyone tremble. 

"I..." Sock couldn't get anything out, their throat was dry. They looked down not being able to say anything. They could feel his gaze darken.

"I feel so flattered! Although... It's kinda pitiful..." Doma spoke up which made Sock feel even more nervous if that's even possible. Slowly Sock lifted their head up to see Doma. Doma smiled wickedly at Sock. They could feel butterflies in their stomach. Why were they even getting butterflies from this? Sure he had smooth looking hair and a good build doesn't mean it would cause a little crush, right? Were they actually in love with this murderer??? A man who broke in their house. 

While Sock was internally freaking about this internally, Doma got off the bed and walked towards them. They felt their blood run cold as they saw him walk towards them. Doma grabbed their chin forcing their eyes to make eye contact as he smirked. Sock dropped their knife at the contact causing them to feel more panicked.

"Ah... Y'know I was going to make you my next victim but your little journal over there was so intriguing plus you're very pretty, I don't know if I can just waste such beauty like that." Sock's eyes widened.

Doma grabbed their phone stopping them from calling 911, he shut off the phone so nothing could happen. 

"Say... Would you do anything to escape me killing you?" He whispered, exaggerating in the word "anything". 

" depends." They choked out a reply with the hard grip on their chin making it hard to speak a bit. 

"Hm... How about helping me out with my murder spree!!" Sock's eyes widened when he said that before they could respond Doma said something else. "Oh and how about you be mine!! You're just too cute to not kill and I don't treat everyone this nicely.." He added smiling innocently as if he wasn't a serial killer. 

"No I can't I -"

"It's not like you have a choice...-" 


"It's not like you have a choice sock!"

"Fine. I'll do it if you tell me your name as well."

"My name is Doma" He said as he smiled wide.

The end wooo idfk what I did for this but ok 

Doma x my friend cuz they asked and I don't wanna make a oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now