The Chikage Cousins

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Author's Note: Welcome to the prologue chapter or pilot chapter of the Love is War series. This chapter is meant to serve as a quick background for both my OC's and also to test the waters and see how the story goes. If you want any suggestions or critiques, please feel free to let me know so I can upgrade the final product when the full series launches. Appreciate all the support!

Chapter Prologue
The Chikages

For a middle school teenage boy on a Saturday, sleeping in was crucial after a night of binge-watching anime on Netflix until late after deciding to leave homework for Sunday. Saturday brought not only freedom but also opportunities to have fun around town, despite the over-the-weekend homework some teachers tend to give students in hopes of keeping them busy. Or so, Kaichi Chikage thought. He didn't mind this, since he would leave it for the last day. If he remembered to do it at all. Sleep and fun came first. After all, he was still a kid, so he believed he had no worries. This would have been the case if it were a normal Saturday. Right now, he was beyond sleepy, helping his mother carry some boxes around the house early in the morning.

He had jet black hair combed to the back with his sides shaved. He had amber eyes, almost gold, a defined chin, an athletic build, and freckles on his face. He was currently wearing baggy pants and a long-sleeved shirt which he slept on along with a pair of slippers. To top off his look, he had two black studs in each of his ears.

(His hairstyle is basically this but darker and obviously younger

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(His hairstyle is basically this but darker and obviously younger.)

"Ma, do we have to do this so damn early? I mean, I'm happy Onii-chan is here with us but still...couldn't this have waited until later on in the day?"

"Young man, where you getting off cursing around in my presence?" His mom, Ruka Chikage, chided him from across the room. She was an eye-catching lady with long, cascading brown hair and a pair of green eyes that adorned her face. Unlike her son, she was dressed up already, more specifically, for work. She was a police officer."Your cousin can't get all his things sorted up by himself. Besides, you shouldn't be going to sleep so late. Did you finish that homework you mentioned? It's supposed to be a science report, correct?"

"Erk..." Kaichi rubbed his nape sheepishly."Working on it, Ma. I was just so excited Onii-chan was coming that I sort of forgot."

Ruka narrowed her eyes in suspicion at her son before deciding that it was for the best to let it go."Fine. You have another day before you have to turn it in, so as long as you do it, it's fine. But you really need to improve your grades, Kai. I saw your report card and it's extremely degrading to the Chikage name."

"It wasn't that bad, Ma. You're exaggerating."

"All C's and two Ds. Except for your A in PE."

"Gotta give credit where credit is due, I always say." Kaichi gave her a toothy grin, receiving a slipper to the face from his mother."Ma! What's the big deal anyway? I'm going to be a professional runner one day! I don't need good grades!"

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