part one ( the beginning)

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Riverdale is a small town on the banks of sweet water river. Everyone is surprised when a new face show up in the town of horrors. Her name was Lizzy. She was a bada** that never gave up. Cheryl was not happy about this arrival because she didn't want to be over thrown as queen of the school. Lizzy walks up to Cheryl and says "where and how do I become a vixen". Cheryl replied with " you don't ". Lizzy had another idea. She said " I am going to try out and make it on your team,then I will enolate you". With all of this Cheryl just said "okay try it". In all of this trash talking Cheryl realized that she liked the way that Lizzy talked and the way she moved.Then she realized omg I have a crush on Lizzy. Lizzy thought what if we dated or why do I like it when she talks. Now Lizzy was openly lesbian and Cheryl was working on the courage to tell everyone that she is lesbian. A few months later Lizzy and Cheryl felt the same way but thus time the both were apart of the vixens. So Lizzy was working on her promise to Cheryl. So the next day Cheryl walked up to Lizzy and said " I like you like, like like you". Lizzy replied with "I feel the exact same way". The kissed right in the vixen locker room. Right there were everyone could see. The next day Cheryl came out to everyone so that they could be together. They got together became co senior prom Queen's and decided to go to college together. The day came for them to college,they got on the bus out of Riverdale and into their life together.

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