Chapter 10 part 2

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It had been just a week after both my parents funeral

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It had been just a week after both my parents funeral. I was still an emotional wreck. So Tucker kept a close eye on me, he had me move back in with him an occasionally my mothers family would stop over an bring food and chat with me about the past an my mother. I liked it, but over time they all went home. I knew they would after all they have their own lives to live. Tucker made everyday better then the last. Breaking me out of my depression episodes one right after another. Sometimes he'd just let me cry it out. But he always was there. Even when at work he'd video call me an talk to me the whole time. "Your making it so I get funny looks from people Z." He chuckled over the phone. It was kinda funny, because he'd show me how people was just giving funny looks thinking he was talking at nothing. Saya stopped coming around, I was always snapping at her. I didn't understand why, but again my gut told me, back away from her, don't trust her. I even told Tucker this an he helped me with it. Said that me an him was exclusive. Or that he just didn't wanna share me anymore. Made me feel special hearing those words from him. It was the end of the school year an I came back. Everyone greeted me an hugged me gave me their condolences. I never did see Tiffany again, Ryan would pass by me in the hallway but we never spoke to each other. That's when I saw her. Once again the girl that helped me in the park. Lady cigarette. She was gorgeous still. With her long black hair an sky blue eyes, her fair complexion, dimples an bright smile.

 With her long black hair an sky blue eyes, her fair complexion, dimples an bright smile

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"We meet again." She said, with a smirk. It made her dimples show, an for some reason my body responded to her voice. "Y-yeah uh hey." I replied. She smiled at me an came over. " well at least your not falling over this time." She giggled at me. "My name is Olivia." She said, I couldn't hold back my smile as I answered her." I'm Zachary." We shook hands an started talking an getting to know each other. She was a wild card, fearless, brave, her background was outstanding. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents you truly have my deepest sympathy. I know what it's like to lose a parent you hold dear." She said as her voice became numb an cold. I tilted my head at her an she shook it off bringing back her bright loving smile. "But that's neither here or there." She waved her hand back an forth giggling. "I hope that we can be good friends." She said hugging me. " I think I'll call you teddy bear. Because your so soft an squishy." She squeezed me as she said that. An I chucked licking her up an hugging her with a spin." Of course my angel we can always be friends, I'd be a fool not to have someone as heavenly as you at my side." I said with habit. Realizing this I chuckled an scratched my head as she smacked my arm an laughed." Boy they wasn't kidding your a smooth one." She giggled loudly.

We laughed an joked as we walked to my car, she smiled an we parted ways

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We laughed an joked as we walked to my car, she smiled an we parted ways. I watched her as she got into her neon green car, an drove off. I got into my car an sat there. When I looked into my mirror I was shocked by my own face. She had me....smiling. From ear to ear. I hadn't done that since mother past. I smiled more. "I keep this up my cheeks will hurt." I chuckled at myself as I drove home. When I got there Tucker was making dinner, it of course smelt sooooo good. I groaned when the smell hit me an he chuckled. "Not sure if that was for me or the food. Either way I'll take it." He said as he kissed my lips. "Welcome home." He smiled. I put all my stuff away and went on telling him about my day as I finished up my homework an dinner. He leaned forward an kissed me holding my head in place. I kissed back an smiled. "I love you Z." He said. "I love you too T." I replied

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