idk how to start shit so here we go

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*beep beep beep beep*  uuuugh I open my eyes to see my alarm *7:20* it reads "fuck me" I barely slept last night I thought as I pulled myself out of my bed with my sheet wrapped around my shoulders. I grab my cigarettes and lighter and head out to my room window\ balcony. I know I'm not allowed to smoke in my apartments but it's la I'm sure they've had worse shit happen in these rooms. My morning ritual. I light my cigarette and poke my head out the window with the cigarette held between my chapped lips. I take a long deep inhale. As the toxic smoke fill up my lungs it makes you wanna gag and throw up whatever you had the night before but at the same time it silences all the thoughts that move quicker than lighting in your head. Like with everyone lung full you take in it makes the wave of life less dreadfull. I breath out. Letting all the smoke out of my lungs. I glance over back at the clock and notice it's *7:40* "shit I'm late for work" I quickly put out my cigarette, try to wipe off last night's mascara and put on my work uniform. Grab my bag and I'm out the door.  

"Mary!" I turn as I'm walking out the door and see Conner in his red whatever year Honda car "need a ride" he yells out of his car "it just down the street but sure" I say walking to his car. Conner is my downstairs neighbor. I open his door and hop in to his passenger seat. "You look like shit" he said pulling down his passenger mirror and to my surprise showing me a bruise over my right eye. I close it not wanting to see my ghoulish face staring back at me. "People are gonna think someones beating you" I chuckled. He looked at me through the review mirror Unamused by my dark humor. "Was that from the other night when you got kicked outta the... " "left" I cut him off "I left" "well when you left the band Liz said you gave her all the songs and you signed them over to her. I know that's bull shit but she had the all the lyric pages and shit" that bitch of course she go through my crap but I say quiet. "I know you don't want to get in it But it's still your band. You started killer snake. And you're just gonna walk away like that. Especially after what she did you your face" "it's Liz's band I just wrote the songs" I cut him off "whats a band with out music" he said it like hes a wise old man "Are you done with your speach?" I ask "yea I guess I am" I sigh "I'm just done with her shit. She wants to boss everyone around and crap she can do that but I'm not gonna stick around to watch it fall apart." "You did fuck up her lip" he laughed "Well what are you gonna do next" "idk they have some stage night at the Whisky gogo tonight. I might go do that" I answered while we pulled in to the CD packing lot that I worked at. I grabbed my bag to grab my work keys and head out. "You gonna need a drummer tonight then" "sure if you don't want to piss of liz." "She's just my sister. Fuck she gonna do" I laughed as I walk in to work. Hardly anyone buys CDs anymore so it's rare when we get customers. I mainly smoke weed, write songs and listen to music on shift. On to an 8 hour shift...

{A\N ... Hey I haven't done this for a long time but whatever lmao. So I'll do more later }

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