cds and more

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*tik, tik, tik, tik" ughh 15 more minutes to go. "Maybe it's just the weed but it's like time can't move any faster" I said out loud to myself "it's the weed" spoke a booming voice behind me that made me nearly jump outta my skin. I spun around to meet tall guy with obviously dyed black hair and green highlights. "Shit, sorry I didn't know anyone was here" trying to wave the smoke away like it's gonna help any. "It's ok I don't care" he said nonchalantly putting up a couple of sex pistols and runaways cds on the counter. "That'll be $10" he slapped a 10 on the counter and was out the door. Seemed like he was in a hurry. I turned back to check the time...2 mins, fuck it. I grabbed by bag and locked up. Thankfully Whisky is just down the way from the store so I just walked over. Hopefully I can find some actually good bandmates that aren't gonna dick you over.

Turning the corner, you can hear the music scream out of the building. i get up to the doors and show the bouncer my fake ID letting me in. entering in you're met with the smell of booze, the sound of roaring music and the noise people talking. I walk down towards the band that's playing, weaving myself around people making my way to the front. the band that was playing where covering I wanna be your dog by The Stooges. the lead was a tall Skelton like blond girl who looked like Lisa Rowe from girl interrupted. she was singing while she smoked a cigarette. And the way her full blond hair framed her face made her look even more deathly and weak but the look in her face showed that shed murder you and no one would find the body. then i caught a glimpse of a tall man with black hair and green highlights. It was the dude from the CD store. He was playing lead guitar and shreading it. I guess it's pretty expected since my work is just up the street. By the time the song was over I decided to get a drink. "Shot of Yeager" I said tapin a 10 on the counter. The husky man behind the counter took the 10 and poured Yeager in the 2 shot glasses that he pulled from under the counter then slid them to me. I took them both. one after the other in one go. "That's it for us fuckers" the ghoulish women on the stage said. The crowd around the cheered and clapped as they packed up. I figured while they packed up and the other band set up id go out side to smoke a cigarette. I walked out the bar grabbing my pack and placing a cigarette between my lips. "Cool boots" a raspy voice said behind me. I turned to see the ghostly pale tall women from the stage. She had a cigarette perched between her skinny fingers. "Thanks" I said taking a draw from my cigarette.

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