The First Date

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Toshinori decided he wanted to go out and get food, but it was boring to go out and eat alone. He needed someone to ask, Endeavor was busy with an interview. School was out that day, and all the other teachers were having a get together.
He was bored, he was at home on his couch. He pulled out his phone and started to text Deku, in the text he asked, "Hey, what do you say about going out to eat? You've made so much progress. Deku responded back, he said, "Yeah sure, I was hoping to get in touch, and just relax, but I do have a question?"

Toshinori told Deku to go ahead, and he asked, "Can my mom come?". Toshinori thought this was a perfect chance. He had wanted to ask Ms. Midoryia out for a while. He rushed to get his phone to respond and he ended up dropping it, he quickly grabbed it. It was cracked but he managed to respond.

He grunted, and said faintly, "I need a new phone. Oh well." He got up and got dressed, he put on a red sweater, and a white shirt. He wore huge navy blue jeans, he didn't intend to have smaller clothes but, he gave his quirk to Deku, causing him to adapt to being small. "I gotta go shopping.." The frail man said.

He brushed his naturally styled hair, and shaved the very few hairs on his face. He wanted to look his very best, so he put on a bit of makeup, yes make up, he needed it to cover up cuts or scratches, he figured he would use it to cover up the eyebags, so he applied it to his giddy face.

He tried to put a relaxed smirk on, but he was excited to see his "crush". It reminded him of school, and his master. He started to get teary so he went out of his apartment, locked his door.

He walked out of the building, and put on his hood. He didn't want to be crowded, he wasn't used to this, but it wasn't different, publicity-wise, people always crowded him. Now more then ever, he was retired sadly, people would always ask why.

He was at the bus stop. He waited for 15 minutes, and then it started to rain. He stopped under the bus stops roof. He took out his phone and scrolled through the SPECIAL hero alert app, he didn't want to let go of that fragment of his life . He saw that Endeavor had gone to fight the Nomu's.

He was pissed, but he still respected the new No.1, the bus arrived. The engine screeched, he looked up, with an exited look. He thought, "I am finally going to spend time with Ms. Midoryia, she is super adorable and a great mother." He rambled on and on, some what like his fanboy of a son. Yes, he really considered Deku as his son. He saw potential in that kid, and he saw himself in that kid too, he didn't know the way to tell Deku that, and he didn't know how to tell Inko either.

He waltzed into the restaurant they were planning to eat at, he looked like a sporty jock. He waited for 20 minutes and there they were. Deku looked normal, but Ms. Inko looked amazing, she wore a red dress, and black dress shoes. Deku muttered to his mom, "I told you not to over dress." His mom shushed him, it was a sign of her telling him to be polite. She walked over to the table, and he took of his hood, and said, "Ms. Midoryia, you look stunning! Heh!"
Deku looked pissed, he knew All Might was attempting to flirt. He really sucked at it in his skinny form.

Inko blushed, "You can call me Inko! I am not a famous lady y'know, just a mother raising her awesome son!"

"Mom stop being embarrassing!!", Toshinori laughed, "What do you want to eat?" "Sushi, and Rice! Oh and gumbo too!", All might says, "Desert?", Izuku says, "Wow All Might you are going all out!". All might smiled, and said yep. The food came, they all ate and had a good time, then Shoto, Momo, Kirishima, Iida, Bakugou, Mina, Denki, Sero, and the others arrived there. Deku excused himself from the table and went to sit with them.
It was just Ms. Midoryia and Toshinori, "So what is you favorite color?". Inko answered, "Well, I think yellow is stellar." This reminded Toshinori of his school days, when he did Hero training and his crush did cheer leading. They continued to talk, Deku wasn't gonna budge since he was with his friends. "Do you want me to take you home?", Inko blushed and nodded. He called a taxi it came and they got in the car, "Can you take us to **********, please?". All Might asked, then Inko asked the driver to play, "On Top Of The World", a song she used to listen to back in highschool. She took of her dressing shoes, and leaned onto the skinny man.

He was completely red and he used his other arm to cover it. He lifted the arm she was slumped on and held her close, he chuckled quietly, because he knew his successor would never approve of him with his mother.

He closed his eyes and cherished the momment, the driver lightly tapped him, and he woke up. They were at her house, he helped her up and attempted to "carry" her to her room. She hunched up and grabbed her purse, and handed him the key. He unlocked the door, and walked in, he put her shoes at the door.

He walked past Izuku's door, he smiled so gently because of the name tag on the door, it had his two "bunny ear" styled hair strands on the top of it. He continued to help her into the bed, he turned so red, he looked like a tomato. Before she lied down she hugged Toshinori and said, "I am sorry for all the trouble, thank you so much!". He said, "You're welcome and anyways I don't mind." She waved goodbye, and he did too.

Before he left he chanted "goodnight!". Than he sang, he was stumbling cause he had a few drinks, but he could take it. He sang a silly song he came up with, it screeched, "I still got the charm, even after breaking my arm. Feeling the wind touch my HAIR! not a momment of despair, I'd jump off a cliff and I'd still feel skippy and quincy, you'd have to tell if I am winking!". He was feeling confident, so he walked into a corner store and asked for a pack of Cold Slims Haha, he opened it and lit one up, he tried to blow it but spit it out and coughed, "Man, why did I ever like these, I'm too old for this anyways."

He threw the box to the side, and continued to walk. He finally got to the apartment building, he walked inside and pressed the elevator and after a few minutes he realized it was in maintenance. He had to walk up 22 flights of stairs.

He took out his phone and scrolled through NHA news, he didn't find anything interesting. He saw a bunch of post about Best Jeanist, and his missing lung. Toshinori gagged in his mouth, and decided to start walking up the stairs. After a good 40 minutes he made it, walked pass a few other apartments, he finally made it to his, 22-T. He opened the door, took off his shoes, shirt, sweater, and pants. He slept in his boxers and socks.

He got a White Claw from his fridge, chugged it and went to sleep on his couch.

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