Training With Izuku

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All Might got up from the couch, his hair was in a ponytail and his 2 long strands of hair were down, as usual.

He went into his freezing cold bathroom, took of his clothes and got into the shower. 13 minutes later he comes out and checks the time. He looks at his alarm clock and screams, "Oh crap!" He rushed to the bedroom, and tried to put on his suit and comb his hair, he quickly brushed it and let it loose , and he looked in the mirror.

"I look fine."
He checked the time, it was 7:30, he practically ran out of his apartment and rushed to the nearest Starbucks,
asked for frappe. He got it and ran, he couldn't run fast enough, so he rented a Segway, he forgot his at home.

He put the segways speed to 65 and he drove all the way to UA. He made it, and it only took 6 minutes, he tied up his hair into a ponytail and let one bunny ear strand hang. He parked the Segway in the lot, and walked inside

He saw Izuku, he crossed his arms. He looked like a 5 year old when he was mad at All Might cause he couldn't really be mad at him? He is the guy, he has posters of on the wall.

"What's wrong, you look upset?". "Well All Might, I heard you CARRIED MY MOTHER HOME?!". Midoryia looked at him funny, but Toshinori didn't have time for these shenanigans, he had to go teach the 2nd year students and Izuku wouldn't budge.

"Look, young Midoryia. I have to go teach, but I will explain later." Midoryia, was very upset and weirded out. It made Toshinori sad, feeling like  Deku has grown from loving him, to actually feeling the need to protect him, instead of being the one who is protecting everyone else. The boy used to look up to him as a god, now he's just a bother.

Uraraka came up to Deku and pecked him on the lips. He got a girlfriend too, what a sight for sore eyes. He was so sad, he got that kid powers and a girlfriend and he can't even feel like someone, a lady needs him. It wasn't even that, he needed her, and she was a perfect fit, she was his mother too.

He walked to the teachers hall, and set his stuff down, he got his keys and a cup of coffee, came into his hero law class.

He walked in and started teaching.
In Deku's class, they did a pop quiz, so he was busy to be fooling around thinking about his moves.

After a bit, it was their lunch periods.
Izuku texted Toshinori and asked him if he was busy. Of course, he responded "no", so he walked up to Toshinori's office. The sliding doors opened, and there was the scared, skinny man. They stared out the window for a while, then Deku looked down with a scary aura, and asked, "So All Might, what did you do with my mom?". All Might stared , at him and spoke. He told him the whole story.

Deku was still pissed. All Might was embarrassed. Then he shouted at Deku, "Well, it isn't really my fault. You invited her and left her alone for me to help home, you shouldn't do that. I taught you manners, you should lis-", he paused that sentence and said, "I am sorry for lashing out like that. I just, I just thought for a second that I was maybe, just a tad bit important and useful but, guess I was just wishing again."

"No All Might, I am sorry. I get it you were only trying to help her, as your guest."

"You up for some lessons, Midoryia?"
Izuku nodded his head, and walked with him through the halls, Todoroki ran into the too One for All users, and said, "Secret love child, I'm onto you."

All Might was confused, but didn't ask because they were busy, and it was awkward. Izuku, and Toshinori wanted to laugh and explain but, it would cause such a big risk to Deku, so they shut, and kept walking.

Once they got outside, All Might started to burst into laughter, he was rolling. After a good 3 minutes, he got up and explained to Deku, that he can use wind pressure as a way to defend or attack while sustaining a shield for his hands, and legs.

He also said it can be used as a mobility technique, and an easier way to rescue.

Deku tried it, and it strained his arms, it hurt him all over, but he had to keep it going for at least 5 minutes.
After the 6 minute mark, his nose kept bleeding, normally a usual bystanders arms would be broken, it was incredible how Izuku could keep this up for so long. 2 more minutes passed and he collapsed, he spit out blood and smiled.

"Wow, Midoryia. That was incredible, you stood there for 8 minutes!". Izuku looked at him and said, "That isn't special?". Toshinori explained how even a skilled body builder couldn't last that long and how he has been improving.

Izuku was so happy, and looked into All Might's eyes with so much passion that it burned All Might's soul.

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