[ghost stories]

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You sighed as you leaned your head on Malachi's shoulder. The group made their way around a campfire and roasted marshmallows or made s'mores. Aphmau and Aaron were sitting as close as humanly possible to one another, with Alexis and Yip not too far behind. 

"So, who wants to start off our scary stories? Any volunteers?" Katelyn asked, as everyone shrugged or continued eating their s'mores. Finding no response, she rolled her eyes and pointed at you. "Y/N, can you start us off?" 

You groaned, "Malachi has a good one, ask him."

"Just because I was a ghost for nine hundred means jackshit," Malachi cut in. 

Kasey paused, his attention drawn to the brunette, "You were a ghost!?"

Chi gave you a 'you're going to pay for that later' look as you stuck out your tongue. "Yes, I was a ghost," He mumbled.

"How'd you become a ghost?" Laurance asked, plucking off his marshmallow and placed it in his mouth. 

"Well..." Malachi trailed, as you ruffled his hair and walked over to your older sister and sat as close as you could before suffocating her. 

"C'mon wuss!" You called out, as Levin gave his brother a playful punch. The group began overlapping conversation, encouraging Malachi to talk. You gave a prideful look and crossed your arms over your chest with a smirk. 

"Fine. About, huh, one thousand, nine hundred and nineteen years ago, I had this power to create fears and nightmares, and I could see people's nightmares. Basically, the village thought I was a freak and my parents sent me to live with a therapist in a castle."

"Fancy," Travis remarked with a tune. 

"Sure, it was fancy, but that got boring quite quickly," You cut in, upon hearing this story at least hundreds of times before. 

"Y/N's right. At one point the therapist went insane, and I think it had something to do with my powers, then pushed me of a balcony, which killed me. I don't remember much after that, I know it hurt like hell, which it would've and felt like I was going to sleep. The next thing I know I can go through walls and roofs, and I was bound to the castle for nine hundred years as a ghost. This is the part where it gets confusing."

"I am already confuzzled," Alexis pointed out.

"Y/N? Would you like to continue?"

"How come she gets to continue? She wasn't there!" Laurance exclaimed.

"I know, I wasn't. But I know what happens," You answered.

"And she sets the mood," Levin added.

"That I do," You said proudly. "Okay, so for the next couple of hundred years, Malachi figured out he could teleport the castle, so he changed locations whenever he wanted to. Then, Lady, wait for it. Lady Aphmau and Dante - he didn't really have a title, but oh well - sheltered in the castle and Malachi showed them their fears, then they explored around the castle. Here comes the good part, then Garroth and Laurance, travelled after Aphmau, long story short, they had feelings for her but since this was a millennia ago, it was unprofessional to fall in love with your village Lord, etc. But they still went after her."

"The having feelings for Aphmau thing, doesn't look like that's changed," Aaron groaned.

"Did we have swords?" Garroth asked.

"Yeah, you had swords. Dante had katanas, while Garroth had a diamond sword and Laurance had an emerald one," Malachi replied.

"Are you sure this actually happened? I can hardly believe that Garroth, Dante and Laurance would be guards, let alone weild swords," Katelyn said sarcastically. "Where was Travis?"

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