5 ∞ Where Hearts Beat Fast

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Mr. Amador was absent for our fifth period. There had been a family emergency, and he rushed back home. The book I was reading was hard to put down, so I'd decided that my studying last night for our next subject was enough. During the hour-long free time that was supposed to be for our Trigonometry class, I'd finished the book.

They had ended up together, and the last paragraph was so lovely. I covered my mouth with my handkerchief and looked outside, hiding away my smile.

"Hey, Athan," I heard Isabelle, pep girl, say from behind me.

As much as I disliked the timing, it was about time that she appeared. My current mood was inappropriate for the situation right now. Ariel was tensed beside me. She had been busy with her Tamagotchi. But the moment that Isabelle Pascual appeared, she was all ears.

Like what everyone did, I shifted my chair so that I would get a clear view of them. Isabelle was wearing her pep squad uniform. We heard they gave the pep squad permission to skip the last two periods and practice for the regional competition.

"Hi," Isabelle tried again.

Athan sleepily blinked his eyes. He just woke up from the continuation of his nap after we'd all found out that Mr. Amador couldn't make it today. We all had a way of letting the moment pass.

"Hello, Athan," Isabelle said in her preppy voice.

Still no response from Athan.

"How can you still smile?" Ariel moved closer and hissed in my ear.

"I am?" I asked, trying to sound clueless. But I could feel my lips stretching wide beyond will. Even with what was happening, I couldn't help but think of the ending scene of the book again. The rain. It was perfect.

"Stop that grin," Ariel warned me, her eyes pointing to what was going on in front of us.

"Do you want to hang out at Stop Shop later? You know, with my friends?" Isabelle continued asking Athan. We were all looking at the two of them, given that she was the most sought-after senior in school.

"I have something to do later," Athan muttered with a yawn.

"Well, how about tomorrow? Or Saturday?" Isabelle carried on.

"I do more things during Saturdays," Athan answered.

"I'm sure it won't take a day. Maybe we can meet for like an hour. We can go to Kyle's party," Isabelle went on. "I'll invite you."

"You should ask somebody else," Athan said, sounding so uninterested it was near offensive, well, on Isabelle's part. He probably didn't mean to sound disrespectful, but Isabelle was asking all of this right after Athan had woken up from his nap.

"How dare you? Are you saying no to my friend? To Isabelle Pascual? The most famous girl in our school? Do you know? Do you know how many would kill for this offer?" Sydney, Isabelle's best friend and sometimes mortal enemy, said to Athan. That was one painful way to rub salt on someone's wound.

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