chapter 29 • she would've never fallen in love with him

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cars were lined up, waiting for the movie to play.

couples were snuggled up together, watching the movie.

cherry watched as iris scoffed, and walked away. finney turned, storming off.

robin and gwen looked at each other.

cherry made no motion to say hi to them, and they didn't either.

gwen absolutely hated her after what she'd done to finney.

and she didn't blame her.

robin, again, was extremely disappointed.

so far, cherry had ruined finney's reputation and humiliated him twice, spit gum into his hair once, spilled cherry coke on him twice, and broken his heart once.

gwen moved aside, while robin bought a box of popcorn.

she carried a bag of jelly beans, pelting one at cherry.

"bitch." she said, trying not to cause a commotion and bring attention to herself.

which was unusual.

"what'd you call me?" gwen asked.

"don't act dumb. you heard what i fucking called you." cherry said. "i called you a bitch."

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now