chapter 6 • it was right for anyone except her to be mean to him

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he slid another quarter into the pinball machine and instantly began to press the buttons.

"your boyfriend really loves that game." cherry judged, from her seat.

mia nodded, with a slight laugh.

"do you wanna go buy something with me?" she asked.

"yes, i don't wanna hear vance rage quit any longer." cherry stood up, stretching her legs.

mia led the way, while cherry yanked a crumpled bill from her pocket. she'd left in a hurry that morning, so everything was a mess.

the pair of girls passed gwen, who was too busy playing some weird game with her friends to even notice.

robin was watching over finney's shoulder, while he also played some weird game.

arcades were so boring.

after vance got kicked out of grab n' go, he was banned for life. that meant he had to resort to the one other pinball game in town, at a run-down arcade.

which meant basically the entire town was in there, including finney blake and his sister.

finney was annoying, and vance agreed.

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