chapter 8 • she hated that everyone was scared of her, and finney made it worse

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before the baseball game, she'd made sure to buy all the snacks her and her friends wanted.

her life would be ruined if she had to stand up and embarrass herself to buy snacks in the middle of a fucking game.

as usual, robin and gwen were there to support finney in the front row.

so was cherry, except she was just staring. she didn't like him enough to cheer him on.

unsurprisingly, iris was also there, front and center, waiting for finney.

honestly, cherry didn't understand baseball, so she didn't know what was going on.

but vance liked to throw stuff at people he didn't like from the top of the bleachers. it was the only reason they went to the games, besides the fact that cherry liked to stare at finney.

eventually, the games got awkward, because robin, gwen, and mia would meet up and sit next to each-other in the very front.

gwen didn't seem too thrilled that iris had joined them, and robin ignored it.

cherry hated her iris, because she was annoying, snd because she was just like her.

she couldn't day iris' clothes were ugly, because they dressed the same, or that iris wasn't funny, because they had the same sense of humor.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now