chapter 11 • they wondered if cherry had really liked finney all this time

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mia held up a list.

"so, your dad is out of town, and you're throwing a party. that's so cringey riverdale." mia said.

"it was your idea." cherry reminded.

"here's the guest list." mia handed her the paper.

iris and finney were standing by finney's locker, giggling about something.

"should i invite finney?" cherry asked, as she stated.

"please do. you need to invite finney. and iris. i need to see someone fight." vance encouraged.

"oh my god, yes. that's gonna be so funny." cherry grinned.

"i'll record the fight." mia planned out.

cherry adjusted her purse.

she walked over to the locker, interrupting whatever conversation was going on.

"hello, my favorite people in the world." cherry greeted sarcastically.

"what do you want?" finney seethed.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now